Chapter 53

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    The next day, I checked on the games and the rocks that my children collected after eating. Hell, even Becky's children joined in on the fun as well as the rest of the pack children. All the games were dry and ready to put away in the entertainment area.

     Right now, I was placing old newspaper on the table I summoned from my world. I placed all the rocks on the table and different paints, brushes and some art supplies. The children were happily sitting at the table, ready to paint. I had some paper plates from my old world, then placed some paint of all different colors on their personal plates. Then placed an array of brushes on the table.

      I even got a few cups of water to have them rinse off the brushes when they were done. Once everything was ready, I sat down at the table and had the children start painting. They exclaimed with glee as they started to paint. The boys who couldn't change all used the brushes in between there teeth. They carefully painted their rocks. Every once in a while the children would ruffhouse by painting on each other's rocks or themselves.

     I sighed hopelessly as I broke up each fight. When everyone was done, I dried the paint quick on each with wind magic, wrote who painted which on the bottom, along with the age they were at. I dried that and then polyurethaned them as well. I sat them all in the drying room.

      Sesshomaru and Inuyasha helped me by getting some baths ready for the children. I continued to play with then in the water as I cleaned them up. It was actually a rather eventful morning.

      Once washed and then dried, I settled the children down for a nap I the afternoon. I sighed with relief as I walked out of the children's room, them completely asleep. I walked down the stairs and balled up the papers and threw them into the fire. I purified the water with my reiki before I dumped out the water and cleaned the cups. I then cleaned out the brushes.

     My mates each came home after another working in the smithy. They were finishing up making their armor. The only ones who haven't were Curtis and Jasper. I asked them once why they weren't making any, they just countered that they had scales. 

      The city's male population continued to rise. Two thousand more beside the city of beasts males that survived and the natives here, joined the new found city. Hope and merry laughter emanated throughout the entire place, making all of us smile in my pack.


     After a few days, I was beginning to feel listless. I looked to the sky, finding it that it would be best to go in search of herbs. My parents offered to watch my children for me so I could have a breather. I bowed my head in thanks before I left, telling everyone I would be back from collecting herbs.

      I hummed happily as I gathered some herbs into my space. Thanks to it being in the space, I didn't notice how many I had gotten or how many hours I had spent. By the time my mind came back to its senses, not due to danger, I was near a familiar place. My eyes widened when I realized that I was by the cave Little Snake was in. My mind fought against going in there but my heart as a pack and a heart of a mother, I couldn't leave without saying hi. I walked up to the entrance, poking my head into the cave.

     "Little snake?" I called, my voice echoing in the dark space. 

     It wasn't long before the sound of scales rubbing against the floor rang out from inside the cave.

        "Little snake!" I beamed as I walked in.

      A snake that wasn't very big soon appeared from the darkness. It stood up and turned into a young man with a long and slender figure.

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