acquired taste

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I watched in fascination as he ran his fingers through his hair,tugging lightly on those strands of gold that looked as soft as clouds.

He walked like an angel to that table he sat at for lunch,gracing me just by sitting there.

I secretly thanked whoever put that table there,my view a thousand times better cause of them.

As soon as he was down his eyes glanced up,knocking the breathe from my lungs as he smirked that delicious smirk he had.

From here I could see him bite his lip and it drove me wild,images flooding my brain in seconds.

He motioned me forward,that slim little finger calling me like a noose calls a guilty man.

Calling me to my addiction,my death.

Death never looked so tasty.

I slid away from the racks,wanting to feel his warm body rather than the cold steel I sat against.

With each step I took I felt myself being pulled into him more,into his charm.

Like a fly on a web,I was caught.

And there was no way out.

Once you get caught in a web,you're a goner.You know what happens to the fly,right?

What the spider does to the poor little creature,slowly so it thinks If it fights it can get away.

Fuck,I welcomed the thought.

He could trap me in his web any day and I wouldn't fight to get out of it,he could kill me and I'd die with a smile on my face.

I stop in front of him,my eyes drawn to his face like the said fly to the web.

"Hi Shades." He says quietly,those beautiful words leaving those beautiful pink lips of his.

Fuck they looked so tasty...

"Hi." I said quietly.

He smiled and I was hit with a dizzy spell,my mind fuzzy as I enjoyed the sight before me.

"Sit." He commands.

Like a dog obeying his master,I did as he said.

A brief image of him torturing me for not listening and disobeying him entered my mind,biting my tongue hard to stop myself from getting excited with that picture.

He cocks his head and smirks.

"I hope it rains today." He says simply.

My thoughts fly to yesterday,his tongue sliding up my jaw as he licked the drops off my face.

I was turned on by the thought.

"I feel like dancing in it." He says,a thoughtful look on his face.

I image him dancing in the rain,the silver drops of water sliding down his flawless face.I imagined the water clinging to his little body,soaking his shirt against his skin in a way I could picture the way he looked naked.I pictured myself pinning him against something and ripping his clothes off with my teeth,licking up the sweet drops that littered his perfect skin.

Dear God,please make it rain...

He glances at me and cocks his head.

"You're quiet today." He says,studying me closely.

I shrug slowly.

"I was imagining you dancing in the rain." I say,the whole truth spinning in my head.

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