if only walls could talk

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JG• *2days later*

Stepping from the hot sauna of the bathroom my gaze immediately falls on the perfect angel sleeping in the big bed.

I lean on the bright white doorframe,arms crossed over my bare chest as I watch the breathtaking show.

How can it be breathtaking?He's just sleeping.

I roll my eyes to myself,go away I scream internally wanting the wretched voice of my mind to take a one way trip to someone else's head.

Go annoy someone else,anyone else in the world who doesn't have a voice go annoy them as long as you're far away from me.

Sadly I can't just do that,can't just ship it off in a package with no return address so it never comes back.

Wish I could sometimes.

Don't be so mean.You need me.

I roll my eyes once more,sighing internally in annoyance.

My angel snores softly,sweet lips hanging open just barely so his perfect teeth are in view for my eyes to see.

I step closer barely,eyes raking up and down his soft shape as he sleeps and dreams of whatever dances in his mind.

I haven't been able to sleep more than usual,bad dreams haunt my sleep time so it makes it impossible for happy things to slip into my head while I doze off.

I slept perfectly the night I gave him a memory,arms securely wrapped around his soft body while fingers twisted up in that soft blonde hair of his.

His heartbeat close to mine made me breathe easier,relaxed as I could feel the vibration of his heart beating deep through my chest.

His heart.

My heart.

Our heart.

Don't kid yourself Jack.

I could actually sleep that night,no bad things or dark thoughts or memories I'd rather forget crawled through my disgusting mind.

With my angel in my arms so tightly pressed into me sleep actually blessed me,relaxed me to where I slept without waking in fear for hours.

After that night though sleep doesn't wanna bless me anymore,his soft body hasn't been on mine while I slept and that makes it harder for me.

Nightmares and memories and other bad things creep up so my head fights with my soul and my heart sits in a corner sadly,wanting sleep to take over so it can beat peacefully.

Mommy daddy please don't fight,the child's crying in the corner cause they need love and no loud voices.

Mind is the daddy,soul is the mommy,heart is the child.

Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad child.

No one cares if he cries,we shall fight on till the dark becomes the light and our anger is relaxed from exhaustion.

We'll start again tomorrow,no sleep for the child in the corner who sits and listens with tears on his face.

I stare down at my angel,sleep peacefully written on his face as he dreams on while I watch.

You sound more and more like a creeper every day you know that?

He twists his bottom half,sheets hugging his small shape like it did the one night I tore myself apart in the dark.

We should have another one of those talks don't you think?

He let's a small whine slip,face turning into a pained look,bad dreams and bad nightmares Written so wrongly on the face of a perfect angel.

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