saving angel

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I feel sleepy,sore and sleepy.My limbs feel like they weigh a ton,like I've been walking all day with a load of bricks on my back.

I'm so so sleepy.

I think I'm gonna rest for awhile.

Just...for a couple minutes.


"Could you drive any fucking slower?!"

"I'm going 130."

"Pull over. I'm driving."

"Like hell you are."

"It's my fucking car!"

"And I'm older. What's your point?"

"My point is it's my car and you can't drive for shit so pull over and let me drive!"

"Sit down and shut up."

"Pull over!"

"Over my dead body."

"That can be easily arranged!"

"Would you just be quiet? And stop fucking fidgeting in your seat? You're acting like a child.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"So help me I will stop this car and kick your ass if you don't shut up."

"Ha! I'd like to see you try."

"We both know I could kick your ass and do my nails at the same time.It wouldn't even break my concentration,or my nails."

"Keep talking and I'm gonna break something."

Even beneath her sunglasses I can sense her eyes roll,a sigh escaping her purple painted lips and her hands clenching on the wheel tell me she's frustrated.

Well trust me big sis,the feeling is mutual.

It hasn't even been an hour but I'm already ready to fling myself off a cliff,a roadtrip with my family being a hell on earth I always avoided when I could.Even when we were younger it was annoying,me being stuck all the way in the back away from everyone road trips were never something I enjoyed and if it wasn't for the reason behind this one I would have jumped from the car within the first five minutes.

I've gotten pretty close honestly.

I sigh for like the billionth time,to piss her off is just a bonus.I'm actually doing it cause I'm annoyed.

Since we left the hotel my mind hasn't stopped running,hasn't stopped imaging the things they could be doing to the love of my life.

I know all their techniques,know all the things they'd do and all the devices they'd use. I know exactly the kinda things their sick twisted minds can come up with cause,let's face it,I can come up with them too.

I know the things they wanna do and it makes me sick,disgusting globs of twisted words and abused feelings I wanna vomit from how disgusted I feel from my inner thoughts.

I keep thinking of my childhood house,the place I knew they'd take him cause they enjoyed doing their killing at home,but apparently Madison said its somewhere else and though I don't believe her what choice do I have other than to listen? It's not like I'm close to them anymore,perhaps their mindsets have changed.

I keep thinking of the house I was raised in and with every image I picture I wanna cry.

The house itself isn't scary,oddly enough though my parents enjoy body parts and blood as decorations you won't find that hanging in the hallway. Pictures and paintings yes,but not painted with the paint that flows inside our veins.

Poison in my veins  (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now