stupid sappy scenes

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I always found it stupid in movies when the guy apologizes for doing something wrong.

How cliche can it get?

Girl wakes up with breakfast he made and a note that probably says sorry or something sappy,maybe flowers around the bed or some jewelry for her to wear so her wrist can sparkle like the sun when she walks around town.

How cliche is that?

So stupid and boring it was a scene I hated in movies,skipping it so I didn't have to watch the girls stupid smile as she saw the stupid gifts.

Between that and always thinking the fight that happened was most likely her fault movies with scenes like that annoyed me,rolling my eyes whenever I got to that part cause I already knew how it played out.

It's so cliche and stupid,sappy romantic girls who like sappy shit forgiving some guy for whatever it is he did or didn't do wrong.

It's stupid,dumb and pathetic.Way too sappy for my taste.

Yet I won't lie,chocolate cake from yesterday with fresh fruit and eggs cooked just the way I like it made me bite my lip before I smiled.

Sitting up and seeing sunflowers all over the bed which I told him once I liked made my stomach flutter happily,especially with the card that said 'sunflowers for my own personal sun' in his flawless handwriting.

By the time I saw the stupid giant stuffed panda bear,which he knew I wanted one when I was younger,sitting over in the big stuffed purple chair I was the stupid sappy girl.

I smiled like an idiot,laughing quietly to myself as I imagined my dark bad boy carrying the big panda bear up to the room I'm in right now.

The idea made me smile bigger,going through the trouble of doing something like that may seem small to some but to me it was big.

No ones ever fawned or fussed over me like that,no surprise gifts or worried if I'm angry with them cause no ones ever really cared.

Even my parents never bought me sweet gifts like this,my birthdays often went uncelebrated cause no one bothered to buy me something to make me smile.

Looking around the room at the sweet small things he left around makes my stomach flutter,the card with the soft words in his handwriting makes my heart race and my pulse quicken.

Just like that I went from hating sappy girls in movies to being one,not a girl but still a sappy person who smiles at little gifts of apologies.

Just like that I forget about being upset,bad sad mood gone to be replaced by one that makes me feel happy.

My mind goes to last night and I feel terrible,ruining our date with how sad and stupid I acted.

I ruined the first date I had ever gone on,the first date with my favorite person in the world and why?

I don't know,felt sad when he didn't hold my hand I guess.

Felt sad when he wouldn't tell me what he was thinking,wouldn't say all the words that bounced around in his head that I longed to hear.

Because of that reason I ruined it,a night that should have been fun and happy and me being me made it sad.

Don't blame yourself.He was an asshole.

I don't even listen to my inner voice,ignoring it as I reread the card with his handwriting on it that makes me smile.

You should be mad at him.

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