stupid in love

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JJ• ~2 days later~

Sitting at the edge of the bed with a tight black tshirt that shows off his yummy muscles,head down as the moonlight shines in and illuminates his shape through the window on the right.

I watch quietly from behind as he thinks I'm asleep,fascinated by the way his shirt stretches perfectly so I can see the delicious muscles flex under his shirt.

A breathtaking art show,skin so perfect and beautiful it belongs in art museums so others can see the beauty of my dark and soft bad boy.

Beautiful and bruised,others might not see the beauty in the way he walks and talks and acts.

Others won't see how perfect and flawless he is,rough beauty that only few people with different eyesights will see as he walks through life.

I wonder if anyone's ever seen him the way I do,seen him the way I see him in my sleep.

Has anyone ever seen how beautiful his smile is? How he rarely shows it but when he does it lights up his whole face so perfectly everyone would stare?

Has anyone ever seen how sweet he is? How he does little things that would touch peoples heart if they just look closely?

Has anyone ever seen the way he walks around in different ways? Strong at times like bullets couldn't break him but so soft at others like a feather could cause him an immense amount of pain.

Has anyone ever seen how soft his lips are? I mean really looked,not like the floozy girls and boys who wanna have fun with him and unleash things inside.

Has anyone everyone seen how gentle he is? Big rough bad boy with dark secrets from a dark past,yet soft touches that'll leave you weak if he shows it.

Has anyone ever actually seen him?

Has anyone ever seen him the way I do?

Has anyone ever payed him any attention...or does he go through life unnoticed?

I sometimes feel like he does,only being stared at when someone drools over him or to give him dirty rude glares cause he looks like a troublemaker.

I sometimes feel like no ones really looked at him,looked at how amazing he is and soft hearted once you dig down deep enough.

Like a beast everyone runs from,takes one look and sees long fangs and hears terrifying growls and goes running for the hills.

People probably take one look at his dark clothes and piercings and label him as a troublemaker,staring at his shades which belong on dangerous bad boys and think of him as a problem.

No one sees the way he laughs,small sounds that are very rare but sound like heaven itself when he makes it.

No one sees his hands,rough looking with marks and battle scars like he is on the outside but with soft touches that could take away the worst kinds of nightmares.

No one sees the small child inside,the one who cries at night so quietly so I won't hear as he thinks of whatever from his past that hurts him so much.

No one sees the sweet gentle heart inside the big bad wolf,gentle and kind but gets treated like a swarm of rats so unwanted everywhere.

Twas beauty that loved the beast,in odd fairy tales the wild bad wolf in the woods didn't scare little red riding hood so much as he loved her with all his heart just as she loved him.

Happily ever after with a fun twist,living in a forest somewhere where no one could ever touch the big wild thing the girl with the bright red hood loved so so deeply.

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