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A decision.

Do you think it is possible to create bad through a good decision?

Is it possible to create good through a bad decision?

Two opposites that are always in denial towards the other.

What defines good?

What does it mean to be good or to do something that's good?

Who tells you it is good?

While you are questioning the decision you are about to make, there is something coming up inside of you, this certain feeling,


A feeling is the lexeme we call the signal given to us to again overthink or maybe even change the way we were about to decide.

Would you ever think about a feeling's origin?

What makes a feeling able to possibly change your point of view only in seconds?

Rather, it would be better described as someone trusted that puts protectively their hand on your shoulder to make you notice there is a mistake, a mistake in your thoughts.

Rather something that has the ability to threaten your thoughts to mislead to something different, which very probably isn't good; let's call it bad.

Doubt is not only a feeling you express before making a decision; it is someone who wants to protect you from the bad that is trying to mislead you.

It's someone whose responsibility it is to save you.

It's an angel.

So maybe you should listen to them before it's too late

For the both of you.

The image of something moving in a blur of white slowly cleared up to an angel-like figure that ascended a huge amount of white stairs.

They didn't have a visible end due to them leading into an upper space covered from fluffy white clouds. Beams of sunlight lightened the line where the stairs and the crowd of clouds collided with each other.

The angel had her head down, The shoulder-long straight hair covered her face features completely. However, there was a hint of sadness, grief and disappointment in her composure while she walked on, slowly taking one step after another.

She halted right under the clouds and looked up to them. With a cautious deep breath, the angel took the final last step into the unknown, hidden behind the fluffy wall of clouds.

"They are waiting for you."

A path of clouds appeared before the angel as she emerged from the breathtakingly dense mist. She took in the marble arches in front of her before she noticed the man standing next to her, waiting for her, his intense stare almost piercing through her. With a reluctant turn of her head in his direction, she gulped at the sight of his eyes.

His blue soulless eyes.

The stone-like expression on the angel's face didn't reveal much, but still an uneasy feeling crept into her heart as she remembered where she had come from and what had happened there.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now