JOKER: Reversed.

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"Eyun-ah, I have to go," Minhee announced as she hurriedly packed her things into her backpack.

"You are going to dump me for him? Again?" Eyun tilted her head in disbelief and let a fake whine escaped from her lips.

Once again, her best friend was about to dump her because her lovely crush had asked her out on a date. Maybe he had become her boyfriend by this point, but the long-haired brunette was not about to admit it anyway.

Minhee smiled sheepishly at her and strapped the backpack over her shoulder before straightening her school uniform by pulling up the hem of her skirt and then the sleeves of her light blue shirt.

"Have fun with Taehyunie!" Eyun called after her as Minhee left the classroom.

"Thank youu~ Have fun with the chestnut head!" She called back, giving the still sitting girl a finger-heart before disappearing behind the classroom door.


The voice she would always be able to distinguish from hundreds of others was heard screaming in the corridor. It made Eyun smile subconsciously.

The next thing she knew, he was there, leaning against her classroom door, waiting for her. He brushed his auburn hair back, before he met her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Eyun asked, trying to hide the happiness his mere presence caused.

"Jay-hyung said he was going to prepare the rest of the things for tomorrow's student council meeting and wanted me to leave early." He shrugged, an uncertain look shot to her.

"I don't know how I ended up here, to be honest." There was a hint of embarrassment as he laughed at his statement.

How could he be more obvious? That's what he asked himself.

"Let me show you something," Jungwon suggested. He lifted himself from the door frame and held out his hand for Eyun to take.

Eyun paused the packing of her backpack. She pretended to consider her response to his invitation, but just stopped herself from saying yes right away.

She calmed her inner excitement — at least tried — still a smile formed on her lips. "Let's go then." She put the last book in her white rucksack and immediately took his hand in hers.

Hand in hand, they walked along the path that they had always taken when Jungwon had been waiting for Eyun after class. It had become a habit of theirs that they would somehow always end up at this particular spot in the middle of the park. This particular wildflower field, filled with every imaginable type of flower, covered the entire space, and as they grew, naturally formed circular arrangements.

"There's a saying: "If a poppy's petals are white, it's an angel, but if they're red, it's a devil." It is supposedly an indication of your true nature, you know?" Eyun explained as she looked out at the field of flowers in front of them.

Her eyes were fixed on a particular red flower, a red poppy. To be exact, it's adolescent buds.

She smiled at the boy standing beside her, who only frowned at her. She did not wait another minute for a reaction to her words and let go of his hand.

The boy immediately felt the loss of warmth and the need to take her hand again. He subconsciously reached out to grab her hand, but she had already left, heading for the Wildflower Field.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now