CARD IV: A life for a life.

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A voice echoed through the hallway, causing a weird kind of atmosphere to occur around them.

Not knowing why the voice felt somehow familiar, Eyun started to look for the owner out of pure curiosity.

She didn't seem to notice the paralysed state the other had gotten in as soon as this certain voice called her name. This voice that filled her heart with hatred and horror at the same time.

Still, she knew she had no way out, only to surrender.

The brunette swallowed hard, not daring to look around in hope that it wasn't him, who was calling her.

"Minhee-ah~ Where would you be?~"

Again, the male voice resounded through the hallways, catching more and more attention of the students around them.

Minhee bit her lip in panic as her breathing got more and more uneven.

"Aye~ Why aren't you answering?"

Eyun finally found the owner of the approaching voice in the crowd of students. Even she was frozen for a moment as she took in the image of the dark brown hair that was covering the approaching boy's forehead, his pointed face features, the straight eyebrows, the moles decorating his small face, and his lips forming a superior smirk when his eyes finally spotted the wanted female.

"You know you can't hide from me, Minhee-ah."

The boy had come so close that Minhee felt his breathe brushing against her ear. While the voice now only whispered in a threatening deep tone, a hand placed itself on her shoulder.

Minhee felt him leaning on her.

However, she didn't dare to turn around to face him.

With his other hand the dark brunette moved down to the girl's sleeve, sneaking his hand underneath the fabric of her light blue shirt to make contact with the silver chain, secretly wrapping his hand around her wrist with the chain in contact with his palm.

Minhee's jaw tensed while her eyes closed in pain from the stinging feeling the male caused her by touching all of her injuries at that certain spot.

Still, she kept it to herself, not daring to make a sound.

Subconsciously, Eyun's hands bailed into fists with such an intensity that her knuckles turned white the longer the image of the boy lingered in front of her.

It was him. The lock. The demon-like boy.

His image alone already made her blood boil hidden behind the mask of an angel, innocent and oblivious.

Due to the weird feeling that started to spread in his body, the boy couldn't help but divert his attention from Minhee to the girl in front of him as curiosity picked on him.

"Minhee-ah." Eyun didn't use the soft tone she usually would. It was rather cold, emotionless, and resulted in the boy to lift his straight eyebrow.

"Who is this?" She asked, her eyes meeting for the first time his brown ones.

Without her knowing, they sharpened at the image in front of her to a glare as perilous as a knife filled with fury and determination.

The male chuckled curtly, his until now amused expression vanishing in a serious one.

"You don't know me?" He questioned, arrogance written all over his face.

"I am," he let go of Minhee's wrist as he took a step forward towards Eyun.

"Park Sunghoon." Named male lifted his chin a bit to be able to look even more down on her than he already did.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now