CARD X: Let me take care of it.

619 35 20

The three friends made their way out of the all-too-well-known classroom into the hallways.

Students immediately caught sight of specifically one female. After the time that already had passed by, to be exact three days, the whispers about her hadn't died down.

The contrary.

To be added, the rumours about The Red Seven getting weaker, even getting destroyed, spread like a wildfire.

Some people simply marked it as a rumor, just a thing of imagination; some even if they had lost all hope saw a spark of light in their despair; others felt their blood boil inside, so much it perhaps could end deadly.

"It's strangely calm, don't you think?" Taehyun observed the rather silent hallway filled with rather less students as he walked on the side of the two girls.

"I mean, it's unusual that two council members get defeated just like that, and nothing happens afterwards..." his voice was hinted with disbelieve, slightly mistrust even, according to the circumstance they were in.

Not a second after he had ended his sentence, his figure staggered to the side. He snapped his head to the female who had pushed him. "Yah, Lee Minhee!" he had widened his eyes in shock, making them even bigger than they already were.

"Don't push your luck." Minhee glared at him.

"You didn't have to push me out of the blue," he huffed, dusting off his shoulders before returning the glare.

"I am just saying..." he muttered under his breath, still feeling as if something was up with all of this."The student council always pays its debts, not to mention him."

"I swear to god, I am going to push you again if you don't shut-" she closed her eyes in distress. This boy really wanted them to get in trouble; she could bet on that. Literally.

"Yah, you have become really brazen nowadays." Taehyun slowly became irritated by the way she treated him, as if he was her younger brother or something. He didn't like that at all.

"It's not like you are someone I should be afraid of. I mean, you barely made it yourself out there," she mumbled, intended only for her to hear.

Sadly, it was loud enough for the boy walking next to her and he felt offended was an understatement.

Eyun walked next to the two in silence, deep in her thoughts due to the silver-haired male's words. She halfway listening to their conversation, chuckling from time to time at their behaviour.

She held her books with one hand in front of her chest, while the other subconsciously traced over a little white flower embroidery on her white backpack which was strapped over one shoulder. A habit she happened to develop lately.

"Don't you think there is a reason why I never wanted to have a higher rank than the one I had?" Taehyun argued, his ego getting involved in this semi-fight he and Minhee were slowly drifting off into.

The girl merely hummed disinterested and already beginning to nod her head in a mocking manner. "Certainly there is one."

"I am serious." His expression turned cold. Something that only happened when he became very serious. Minhee's playful attitude was gone, and instead, she looked at him with a frown.

"I never wanted it because I know about it. I know what they will do." A dark undertone suddenly filled his usually beautiful vocal. "I saw the unfiltered truth behind those walls."

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now