CARD V: You should have never happened.

567 40 2

For the last time, the card was placed in the middle. "Five of spades," the dealer declared.

"I have made a deal with the fvcking devil for this," Sunghoon gritted lowly. His teeth clenched when he thought about the possibility to lose.

This was impossible. How ridiculous to even think about this for a second when he knew how this game would end.

The dark brunet couldn't help but take a glance at the girl behind him. 'My hard efforts and sacrifices only to get you,' he thought while he subconsciously tightened his grip around the cards. They bent due to the immense force they were under. 'I won't let them go to waste.'

Both players placed their cards, but Eyun suddenly stopped the dealer from uncovering them.

"I want to guess this one. Yours." Her indec finger traced over Sunghoon's card next to the open one. "It's the eight of spades, isn't it?"

The boy only frowned, not showing a clear reaction. How would she know? Was this a trick? A wild guess to make him insecure or something?

"The way we got the cards... they are not  shuffled like they should be." Her cold gaze met the dealer's anxious one. "They have been put in order."

She took the stack out of his hands and wiped the whole thing over the table to make every card visible. "They are ordered after number and have changing kind." She gave it another short glance. "5 of hearts, 6 of spades, 7 of diamonds," she read the cards following each other in the stack.

"And?" Sunghoon questioned monotonously, rather unimpressed, not realizing what she was hinting.

"Because you have the seven of spades." Suddenly, she smiled. "I have the eight of spades," she winked before uncovering both cards.

"Kim wins," the dealer mindlessly announced as he looked at the desk. His eyes widened as realisation hit, only for him to shrink together the next second as a hand hit the table right next to his side.

In the exact same moment, a metallic sound echoed through the dead silent room as if a metal chain had been cut through, followed by it falling to the ground.

Minhee stared at her wrist in shock.

She was free, free from the chains, from the lock, from the pain. She raised her head with widened eyes, her honey-brown orbs meeting the still seated female's blue ones.

Her gaze lingered on the floor, on the symbol of pure devastating and destruction. Only seconds later, ash replaced it, making its earlier visual unrecognisable.

"Nobody will ever speak about this," Sunghoon growled out, hitting the table with his hands for a second time to have a much bigger intimidating impact on the people around him.

The dealer immediately fell to the floor, fear all over his shaking being.

Shiver ran down every single students spine the moment they met his eyes. Those red glowing eyes which sparkled from wrath and murderous desire. A combination spreading fear and horror simultaneously.

So many dark emotions that threatened to consume him in their power filled him. He gripped the edge of the table with so much force that his knuckles turned snow white.

'What was it...' he asked himself, 'what was it that ruined my plans?'

His eyes fell on her.

Her who was sitting in her seat, observing his every movement. The corner of her lips slightly lifted, only the slightest bit, visible to him alone to mock his fallout even more.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now