CARD XII: Nine truths and one lie.

502 36 6

[T/W: mention of suicide] ──────────

"I am here to join the register."

"Ay." He debating with himself how to phrase it the best. "I am afraid I have to disappoint you; that's not how it works." He sadly shook his head, almost in pity.

"This article." She was about to grab the paper in his hands, but he held it out of her reach, resulting in her to almost fall in his lap. On time, she managed to balance herself, shortly breaking eye contact in embarrassment. "Why can't I find any of those? Why can't I find a single picture of him?"

The boy didn't realize how his jaw slowly tightened despite his calm composure. "Maybe because they are none of your business?" He arched a brow as if contemplating with her together.

"Make it my business then." She kept on insisting. No matter what he would say, she would have to find a way around. There was no other option than this.

"Why so persistent?" He raised his eyebrow with his head tilted. An obvious sign he was slowly getting irritated with this attitude.

"Why so annoying?" She instantly shot back without much thinking. This boy, the way he was talking, so gloatingly, he was asking for it.

"Yah." His eyes widened, a decent feeling of offence at this point. "You want something from me, not the other way around." He couldn't prevent himself from glaring at her. "You should be begging, not picking a fight with me."

"Are you sure about that?" She leaned back against one of the remaining paper stacks, a confident smile decorating her lips as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"The red pen." She glanced to the desk. "I think there was a reason my name was circled. I mean, you are part of the register, so you survive from reports to the council, or am I wrong?"

She knew how correct she was, which made it only more enjoyable to finally be able to put this arrogant register boy in his place.

"Wouldn't I be the joker when I crushed highly ranked members as if it was nothing?" She paused, thinking about something. "I think the president would be interested in me."

"Certainly, very," he had to admit to that point; after all, he was very much aware of what he was doing.

"In addition, I should be very interesting for you as well." She leaned forward and locked eyes with him. "To the point that you literally pulled me into an empty classroom the first time we met."

She placed her index finger under his chin and tilted his head the exact same way he had done as they first met. ""Why do you have to get me so invested into you?"" She tried to copy him, suppressing a smile caused by her own mockery-attempt.

He broke their eye contact against his will as she retreated. The boy's lips formed a thin line as he felt a strange warmth developing on his cheeks, a very uncomfortable feeling. Although it would not help his condition in any way he coughed, the paper simultaneously crumbling in his hand.

"Let me join, will you?"

"Do you think it is that simple to enter?" He raised his eyebrow as he tried to return to his unshakeable demeanour.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now