CARD XVIII: That one lie about myself and you.

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There were two sides in of Jungwon right now.

Two sides that are diametrically opposed to each other and would kill each other if they ever came face to face.

That's the extent of his personality.

One was satisfied he could execute what he planned to do, what had been set in stone from the very beginning. He would finally put an end to this waste of his precious time, which had been too long for his tastes anyway.

And the other had no idea what to do with himself at this point.

Why should the outcome of discovering Eyun's true identity even affect what he had been planning to do from the very beginning?

Why should it matter if it was her or not?

Did it even matter?

Wasn't it just an excuse for this side in him that had hopes?

But what were those hopes?

Had he really hoped for her to be her?

His first love?

His demise?

Lee Yoon?

If he had been honest, perhaps the real cause of his confusion in the midst of all this chaos was the fact that he had the answer.

He knew what he was hoping for and why he was hoping for it.

He just couldn't accept it. That's why he insisted that he did not know, or rather did not want to know.

He hadn't wanted it to be Lee Yoon.

He had hoped that it wasn't Lee Yoon.

Because he knew that it wasn't her anymore who fascinated him, who made him curious, who made him want to see the same things she did, who made him want to risk his life for her.

Because it wasn't this vicious red flower anymore that kept on blooming as if it was a parasite.

Because it was the melodic rain, the mesmerising sky, and the soft clouds that continued to appear in his sight.

This whole mess he could simply label as the reason of his existence. He thought he had it all under his control.

But honestly, it's breaking him. This role, this side of him. It's breaking him.

And only when Eyun is there, the sky, the cloud, the rain, when she's looking at him, all of this disappears.

The devil, this destructive darkness, they disappear.

That's the only reason why he had wandered over to the classroom of the Chrysanthemum Class of the second year and had peeked into the room.

That's the only reason why he wandered around the corridors in the disguise of the Academy's uniform, his hair combed down to almost cover his eyes, pretending to be a nobody. So inconspicuous as possible.

Something that didn't match his personality in the slightest.

All this instead of being in his white shirt and dark blue blazer, with all the attention on him, doing what had kept him entertained for weeks, months, years, decades.

He was here just for this, waiting for her to return to her class.

Nothing more, nothing less.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now