CARD XIV: Damned to repeat.

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Jay placed the documents on Jungwon's desk — those the President should have taken care of. He had been assigned to cover his position for as long as the boy ordered him to, for reasons that no one but the president would know.

A kind of authorised duty, really.

Jay sighed deeply as he thought about it, bitterness overcoming him. Jungwon, of all people, hadn't even told him about his whereabouts and what he was doing all this time. 

Him, his assistant, but, most of all, his companion.

He spotted something with an abnormal, strongly pigmented colour on the President's desk.

A flower — A red poppy.

Why was it here, on Jungwon's desk?

A frown creased his forehead.

There was only one place where such flowers would grow.

On the edge of hellfire bounds.

Confusion painted his sharp features.

Had he gone there?

But why?

Jungwon despised that place with every bit of his being.

Everything that would remind him of the past had been destroyed a long time ago, so why... Why keep a flower that only grows where the cruelest thing in existence had happened to him?

The hand in which Jay held the flower clenched into a fist as anger gripped him.

He needed answers. He needed to find out what was going on, what was happening to Jungwon, that something like this could be so beautifully blooming and alive here.

Jay left the Council office. The door slammed shut behind him.

So taken by the meaning of the flower, he had jumped to a conclusion and let his bottled up emotions consume him.

The fear of the past.

To lose again what was most important to him.

He had fallen into the trap that had been set for him.

Once again.

"He really never changes... Just as useful as he was then." The boy's smile grew into a diabolical one, the complete opposite of his actual appearance.

Jay knew his destination all too well. The place the student president had forbidden him to enter. The academy register.

But he never set foot in that room.

The old door was still open from Eyun's entrance earlier, giving him access to the perfect image of two students asleep with their heads on the table.

He watched Jungwon opening his eyes to look at Eyun.

Jay saw it clearly in his eyes. The window to his soul. He could find true emotion in them, something that had been extinguished decades ago.

The longer the boy's eyes rested on the angelic girl, the more a spark ignited within them.

So bright, so sparkling.

This smile.

It wasn't the devil who was sitting there.

Jay was too taken aback by what he was seeing, knowing too well how it resembled a time that had been burned to ashes in his memory.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now