CARD VI: The aftermath of your doing.

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The room remained silent while the president's gaze burned holes in the dark brunet's figure. He tilted his head as he lifted his eyebrow. "What happened?" Jungwon asked. "It is said you should have lost." The male's voice was hinted with disbelief of those words.

"I don't know," Sunghoon only brought out, not able to endure the six members' gaze, especially his on him.

"How?" A silent laugh escaping the president's lips. "How could you possibly be defeated by a human?" He questioned rather himself as the corner of his lips formed a killer-like smile.

"You even made a deal with me to break my rules only to get Lee Minhee's life." Jungwon paused and sighed deeply in dissatisfaction. "Killing her brother but still wanting her to pay a non-existing bet just to make her yours. Greedy I have to say."

He tilted his head to the side as if thinking about something. His forehead created a frown the next moment. "Park Sunghoon, you wouldn't let yourself down to take my conditions because of a mere human who caught your eyesight. So, why?"

He leaned his arms on the surface of the desk to support his figure. "Why giving me the right to take your life at my free will just to get her's?"

"Because she," Sunghoon started almost as a whisper, hesitant to answer truthfully. It couldn't come any worse at this point; he had lost everything, even himself. There was no need of keeping his ulterior motive to himself anymore anyway.

"Because of who she was in her past life. Because she is the one who made me fall." His jaw tightened because of the old memories flashing through his mind. Memories he wanted to bury so badly that he would do anything to fulfil this desire.

Sunghoon didn't know why his eyes suddenly fell to the blond fox-like boy at the side, who was seated on one of the desks and looking at him now the same as he did then. With hate and disappointment.

Maybe it was guilt or the memory of his betrayal.

"Sadly, after all of your personal losses in this, you still lost her." A dark laugh filled the silence before the president's expression got serious again. "How idiotic."

"Sunghoon-ah." He raised his eyebrow. "Won't you answer to your failure?"

"I-, I-" Sunghoon bit his bottom lip. "I don't know how she managed to win against me," he was still confusion himself from the earlier incident flooding his mind.

"It doesn't make any sense at all," he mumbled under his breath.

Unfazed, Jungwon's eyes kept on resting on his figure, his chin placed on the palm of his hand. "Do you remember when we first met?" He suddenly asked, catching the other off guard.

"What?" The dark brunet frowned.

"The most devastated moment in your life." Jungwon's voice was empty without a hint of sympathy.

"Your wings had been teared out, leaving you with wounds on your back that would never heal." Nostalgia found its way to him.

"Would you like to see it again? The destruction and chaos." The boy raised his eyebrow, at the end a threatening undertone in his voice.

"I don't understand." Sunghoon was confused from the latter's words as the feeling of unease came up in him due to the calmness in the other's voice.

Jungwon smiled again, a devilish one.

"There was a specific reason why I took you in that day." He regained his posture and leaned back in his dark red chair.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now