CARD XVII: Devil in disguise.

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"Eyun-ah," he called her name as usual, giving her his charming smile after watching the Council member leave with far more satisfaction than he should have felt.

"What is it?" Her voice was as cold and empty as his had been. Exactly the same. She didn't even look at him; instead, her eyes continued to linger on the path Heeseung had taken on his way out.

Jungwon pouted when he noticed that she was holding back from even looking at him. As if it were second nature, as if it were the easiest thing in the world, he gently tilted her chin so that she was forced to look at nothing but him.

"Eyun-ah?" He asked innocently, but only received her piercing stare before she removed his index finger.

"You don't feel the need to explain, do you?" His forehead furrowed in question. "You avoided me and now you pretend nothing happened." She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Eyun-ah, I want to show you something." He took her hand unconcernedly, intertwining his cold one with her warm one.

She looked away frustrated. "Johnny." She said the name with bitterness in her voice as she raised both her questioning hands. "What am I to you?"

Just for a second, his smile faded, his gaze flickering away from her. He bit his lips as her eyes never left him. "I really don't know," he confessed.

The boy didn't know where the sincerity in those words suddenly came from, for he clearly knew who she was to him.

A game.

A card.

A joker he could use however he wanted, even to destroy the whole game if he wanted to.

As simple as that.

So why did he confuse himself? Just because she was standing in front of him right now and her sky-blue eyes, that unique colour he disliked so much, were locked with his, expressing so much hope he didn't know the reason for?

He could have destroyed her in that moment, made her face reality, let her fall like a single domino at the edge, but he didn't.

Because of that certain feeling.

That feeling he didn't understand and that only she made him feel. So strange and yet familiar.

He had to find out what it was that made him act like this before he would finally put an end to everything, including his useless feelings.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, her question having a much deeper meaning. "Why are you confusing me so much?" She murmured under her breath.

His gaze drifted to her hands, causing him to unconsciously tighten his grip as his lips formed a small smile. It immediately dissolved as he realised.

"Eyun-ah, I really want to show you something," he said, hope flickering in his eyes.

What was he hoping for?

What was it that he wanted to show her so urgently, as if his life depended on it?

The longer she looked at him without answering, the more despair grew in his eyes.

This strange behaviour of his since that certain moment in the registry was slowly driving her mad when she met his eyes.

So hopeful, so expectant, so regretful, so painful.

She had never seen so much emotion in those abyssal orbs.

Defeated, she nodded weakly, causing him to immediately pull her with him.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now