CARD XVI: The Invitation.

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"There's someone waiting for you outside," he informed her, before making his way back to his seat.

She tilted her head in question, her eyes automatically going to the door. A strange hope arose that he might want to apologise or just talk to her about the accident after he had never returned to the student register.

As Eyun approached the door, she felt something tugging at her sleeve.

"Where are you going?" Minhee and Taehyun looked at Eyun with cute little frowns of confusion on their foreheads.

"Outside." Eyun pointed at the door. "Someone is looking for me," she reasoned.

"If it's one of those damn memb-" Minhee wanted to roll up her sleeves and go to the door before Eyun could, but Taehyun stopped her. He grabbed her wrist and gave her a stern look. "You're not going anywhere, toothless tiger."

"YAH!" Minhee's eyes widened in offence before narrowing on Taehyun. "You want to see how toothless I am?" She threatened by raising her fist. Taehyun tried to keep in a smile as his hand cupped her tiny fist.

"Go on." He nodded reassuringly at Eyun and pushed Minhee back to her seat.

Eyun made her way outside. Facing the empty hallway, she scanned the area for anyone waiting for her. Confused, she blinked her eyes and saw no one but herself.

A small white paper bag suddenly appeared in front of her, soon followed by the person holding it.

"Jake Sunbae-nim," she exclaimed, her voice a strange mixture of surprise and disappointment, which was a clear understatement of her inner feelings.

Still, she hid her true condition immediately, not wanting to hurt the boy who had probably gone to extra lengths to get her what he had come for.

"Miss Student." Jake smiled as he handed her the paper bag. "The fever medicine you asked for yesterday. I also put something for headaches in there, just in case."

"Thank you, Sunbae-nim." She bowed to him. Her smile faded as soon as her eyes fell on the paper bag in her hands.

She thought of him again, and only him.

Eyun was about to go back to the classroom, but Jake said something that made her freeze, if only for a second.

"You lied," he said out of context, so loud and clear that anyone in their immediate vicinity would probably have heard it if there had been anyone there.

"What?" She turned to face him again.

"You lied to me." He chuckled at her puzzled expression. "The embroidery of the white poppy," he sighed. "It's not yours." Her grip on the paper bag tightened unconsciously.

What was it about this embroidery and him? Why couldn't he just leave her white backpack alone?

Soon she was in disbelief at his weirdness. "What are you talking about?" She didn't know why she sounded more irritated than she intended.

Maybe it was because she was irritated, not with Jake, but with herself.

Simply because anyone could confuse her with simple things about herself. Because she didn't know a thing about herself.

The angel could only hold on to the things she knew, and that was hardly anything.

So every piece of information she got, whether it was really true or false, she would take as a fact, whether it was proven or not.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now