CARD XXVIII: Game of life and death.

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Jungwon's eyes widened before immediately forming a death-threatening glare. Without a moment's thought to his actions, he grabbed him by the collar, his fist tightening as it tore at the fabric. "What did you do, Ahn?" He gritted through his teeth.

The archangel chuckled in enjoyment. "What did I do?" he wondered, before the answer dawned on him. "I only brought her to you." He grinned.

"You didn't bring her to me," the brunet contradicted.

"Of course I did." Ahn yanked Jungwon's hand away. "It was I who gave her the chance to save her miserable fate instead of simply banishing her," he said, adjusting his uniform, "I did it all just for you."

"Woah, what do you expect me to do? Should I be thankful? Want me to bow in gratitude?" Jungwon asked, a smile of disbelief written all over his face.

He was on the verge of bowing to the Archangel, but at that moment he straightened his posture and looked him dead in the eye. "Save this righteous act of treacherous friendship."

"Why so defensive to your hyung~?" Ahn pouted in disappointment. "I mean, I brought your love-"

"You brought my demise to me, now and then." His eyes seemed so much darker than the abyss already was from the contempt he felt.

There was no hiding the ironic smile that crept across his face at the thought. "I think they killed the wrong one between the two of us. Don't you think this image would suit you much better, Ahn-Hyung?" He emphasised his name in such a condescending and mocking manner that even the greatest and kindest of angels would twitch their lips.

"Killed...You didn't die yet," Ahn reminded him.

"We both know that I died," Jungwon's jaw tightened while saying those words. The death of his true self had turned him into this creature he was now, all because of the archangel in front of him.

Ahn chuckled. "How brazen the devil calls himself an angel in front of a real one." He shook his head at Jungwon in superiority.

On the contrary, the latter started to laugh loudly. "A real one," he snickered. "You enjoy the role of the angel too much for the amount of corruption flowing through your blood."

The Archangel's hands gripped the fabric of his sleeves tightly, pulling them down. "Do you actually know what you are talking about?" Ahn asked, the angelic smile appearing with a dark shadow.

The ash-grey-haired boy sighed. He shook his head and said to himself that he was going to let him go for this one. Sooner or later fate would make things right, at last, what had been influenced to happen the way he wanted it to happen.

"Image if she remembered you," he started. "The way she would look at you, the way she would think about you." He saw Jungwon's expression harden. "Can you bear it?" The archangel asked with sincere concern.

"If she remembered the one you were once but looked at this... at this empty shell of him," the look in his eyes saddened, "would she still fall in love with you as she did with him?"

Jungwon looked elsewhere. He could not make eye contact. Him. Eyun had said this as well; he wasn't who she fell in love with.

It frustrated him. "I am him."

Ahn shook his head in disagreement. "He died, you said it yourself." The archangel sighed. "Lee Yoon loved him, the angel Won, not you, the devil, Yang Jungwon."

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now