CARD IX: Just watching you won't satisfy my soul.

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"Never call me like that again."

Their eye contact broke with Jungwon trying to calm himself down. Lashing out on his assistant like that was of no use for him. He let go of Jay as his eyes returned to their usually dark brown, almost pitch black colour with a sigh leaving his lips.

"What does he have against you?" Jay finally questioned in a strangely calm manner, taking into account the tension between the two only seconds ago.

"He knows my rule." The addressed male confessed with bitterness.

"The rule that I won't kill a human with my own hands." The brunet's jaw tensed in irritation by being reminded that someone was taking their advantage of his weakness.

On top of that, a filthy and too-brave-for-his-own-good human. How much he despised this.

"That's why he can act so cheekily as long as his will stays strong." His hands bailed to fists as his blood started to boil again.

Silently, the door to the 'Student Concilium' opened, turning Jay's attention towards it.

Entering the room, Sunoo's expression was as if he had seen the most horrifying ghost.

After a second of just standing there, he fell to his knees, his face which could master to portray any emotion at any time blank. He merely stared into thin air.

Jay closed his eyes in frustration. Why, out of all times, did he have to enter now to admit his defeat?

The blond immediately ran towards the boy and tried to bring him out of his dramatic act before the president would realise what was going on.

"How is this even possible?" Sunoo blurred out, completely taken aback from the earlier occurrences that replayed vividly in his mind over and over again.

"How can a simple human- No, she can't be human." He shook his head in disbelief. "How could a human be superior over someone like me?"

"Sunoo, that's not the time. Please-, Just-" The assistant was panicking. It really wasn't easy to deal himself with Jungwon in this state, but with Sunoo and kind of outcome he seemed to have experienced Jay couldn't prospect Jungwon's further behaviour.

Havoc or arson was something realistic.

"Sunghoon." Sunoo suddenly snapped out of his mind-absence and looked up to the assistant, who constantly tried to pull him up.

What is going to happen to him now when I... I lost too..." he bit his lips horrified.

How could he still be worried about the dark brunette who he claimed to despise the most in this life when he wasn't in any better position?

All of this just happened because of Sunghoon's unjustified obsession.

No, it wasn't him.


This inhuman girl.

It was all her fault.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now