CARD II: A simple match between you and me.

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"Kim Eyun, right?" The silver-haired male's lips couldn't help but form a smirk when he noticed the tensed up state of his classmate next to the newbie as soon as he had made his appearance.

"Kang." The male started to introduce himself in a rather nonchalant tone to the girl in front of him.

"Kang Taehyun."

Out of nowhere, he changed his expression into a smile with his big doe eyes even sparkling charmingly.

"Nice to meet-" Eyun started with a happy chirp in her voice, but the latter stopped her right in her sentence by putting his hand up.

"Let's get to the point, Kim Eyun." His smile seemed faker the longer he wore it.

"How about we have a gambling match?"
The smirk from the beginning had returned to the silver-haired male's lips.

"Wait, she doesn't know any-"  Minhee had stepped forward from behind Eyun between the two.

She tried to interfere the conversation of her two classmates in the hope of being able to protect the just newly arrived girl. However, Her voice was hinted with fright due to the light shaking it held.

"Go back to your place, Minhee-ah," Taehyun growled out in a forcefully friendly manner while cutting her in her words.

Even though he was becoming annoyed by the female who tried to stop his plans, his expression didn't change as he kept the smirk rather forced on his lips and never left the eyes of the newbie.

"A gambling match..." Eyun slowly repeated his words with a blank expression, seemingly pondering about her answer.

Minhee closed her eyes in desperation, unknowingly sighing when her eyes fell on Eyun's facial expression.

"It would certainly be interesting...
to try it myself for once, I guess," she said the last part in such a low voice that it seemed like nobody else had heard her words.
The female's expression was filled with excitement all of a sudden, her lips forming a wide smile.

"But I already warned y-" 
Minhee approached her with a combination of panic, frustration, and desperation all at once.

"LEE MINHEE," the boy called out her name in a very threatening tone, for the first time diverting his eyes away from Eyun to Minhee.

His stare was so intimidating that she immediately backed away and shut herself up, gulping anxiously.

The male's eyes fell from her to the silver chain around her wrist. It had cut into her skin, leaving deep wounds at the exact same place, even light combustion visible. Spotting that one specific pendant, he immediately realized something.

"The rumors are true," Taehyun muttered under his breath silently, spacing out for a moment before snapping out of it again.

"As a chained one you should know your place already." His voice monotonous, still loud enough for the two girls to hear while he gave the now silent girl a seemingly belittled look which actually had a complete different interpretation. However, Minhee only hang her head even lower.

"What kind of game?" Eyun asked, bringing Taehyun's attention back to her.

Again, the silver-haired boy's expression changed to the smirk he had worn the whole time. It clearly showed the self-satisfied attitude he had.

"Black Jack - Draw edition."

— 🃟 —

Entering the room that had only been empty for less time, students started to come in after them. They quickly closed the dark curtains of the huge windows to let the thing that was taking place in the center win on focus.

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