CARD XI: I want to meet you.

561 37 6

[T/W: Mention of Suicide ] ─────────

"How did it go?" Both Minhee and Taehyun asked simultaneously, one genuinely more interested than the other.

All three friends had found a seat in the huge eating area of the academy, a composition of round dark wooden tables, chairs, and benches decorated with dark blue and red silk. Aimless card games of a couple of first and second years took place in the background.

Eyun put the glass in her hands loudly down. The motion almost caused the beverage to drip over. A heavy exhaled followed as she frowned to herself. "It just doesn't make sense."

Taehyun and Minhee look at her, then at each other, both faces sharing the same expression.

They had been expecting to finally get answers to the questions Eyun had raised with her peculiar — maybe to put it more friendly — unordinary nature, not be more confused about her and her goal here.

"What do you mean?" The silver-haired boy asked.

"You know, I went to the register and talked to him, but how comes I know nothing?" Her head fell in her hands which sunk into her hair as they formed fists. "He wouldn't tell me anything about the student council. Like at all. Saying he can't reveal anything to outsiders under any circumstances because of his discretion or something."

Her eyes narrowed at the memory. "All he did was smiling and shrugging. I swear, I could see the amusement in his eyes by every question I asked, like it was fun to him." She leaned back, her face showing something until now unknown to the both in front of her - annoyance. "What is this behaviour even?"

"You mean Jaehyeon-hyung? Doesn't sound like him, though." Taehyun rather mumbled the last part, weirded out by the foreign behaviour. Hearing the girl's words, he would seriously question it to be the right boy if he didn't know there was only one single person who practically lived in this overstuffed room and literally only breathed ink-polluted air because of that sole reason.

Her head lightly raised to Taehyun as she heard the name, the frustration like washed away in an instant. She gulped, eyes slowly wandering down to the cherry milkshake she had brought with her. Her fingers slowly traced the edge of the lightly red tinted glass. "It wasn't Heo Jaehyeon."

"Huh?" Taehyun tilted his head. "Who would you have talked to instead? There is only one mem-"

"Taehyunie, do you know someone by the name 'Johnny'?" Her expression was unreadable. She couldn't help but feel deep suspicion towards the owner of this name, Taehyun's reaction only proving it.

The silver haired was shortly taken aback by the sudden cut of topic but didn't think further about her unusual behaviour. "Never heard of him..." He shook his head, "Why?"

"The boy I talked to. He claimed to be Heo Jaehyeon's replacement," she answered.

"What do you mean with 'Replacement'?" He didn't understand. Something like that didn't make sense.

Jaehyeon had always been a loner and never had somebody to work with him, not to mention replace him. Because of what even?

She didn't know why she hesitated to respond. "He committed suicide." Spoken out, every single word felt somehow much heavier than intended.

"He..." Taeyhun was obviously confused, not yet realizing the weight of those words as if this wasn't real. A game. A joke. A lie.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now