CARD III: What is your rank?

771 45 4

Second year, chrysanthemum class

Her eyes fell from the name tag of the room to her fingers that wrapped themselves around the doorknob.

Eyun entered the classroom and was immediately greeted with laughters filling the room. Clearly hearable, they weren't out of happiness but malicious pleasure.

She looked around, trying to find her seat mate, but instead noticed all of the laughing people looking at one specific point in the room. Pointing their fingers in the same direction before every now and then, words like 'low-raked one' and 'cheater' were spit out, loud enough for everyone to hear, rather directed to one specific someone.

It was him, Kang Taehyun.

Said male, who had once the presence of the mightiest inside these walls, was seated on his desk with his head down. He was staring to the surface of his desk only to be reminded more of the dark side of this academy.

His eyes were glued to the three words written in black, thick letters all over the wooden surface.

It was like he wasn't able to react to the situation around him, only those words that he would read over and over again in his mind.

Feeling a figure approaching him, he was finally able to break out of his state and look up to the person.

Only to hit the table with his fist seconds later.

He gripped hard on the edge of the table as his eyes pierced through the body of the girl in front of him.

"You," he growled out, his eyes locked with her blue ones.

Eyun could attentively observe how every muscle of him tensed up to such an intensity that the veins popped out, the blue outlines most noticeable on his throat.

The boy stepped closer to the girl and gripped her shoulder with his hand tightly, grumbling her until now neat uniform in the motion.

The brunette immediately felt the intense force that was about to crush her shoulder. She was about to push the boy away but stopped her motion when he spoke again.

"This is all your fault," he gritted through his teeth in a threatening voice before vanishing the next moment from her view by leaving the classroom in rage.

Not knowing how to react, not even knowing what was actually going on, she followed his figure with her eyes until the silver-haired male had left the room.

Eyun's lips formed a thin line with a frown visibly on her forehead. Curiosity enticed her into taking a look at the now empty table.

The brunette came closer to the table. She tilted her head in order to read the thick black letters on the dark brown wooden desk.

"Worthless one," Eyun read in a mumbling tone before even comprehending what she was muttering to herself.

"Worthless one?" She repeated in a rather questioning way.

- 🃟 -

Down the hallways that seemed to have no end, the way was crowding with more and more students. Gripping the straps of her white backpack, Eyun focused on the way ahead of her.

"Earlier," she started. The long-haired brunette who was walking next to her turned her head to the girl's side as a form of response to show her she had her attention.

"You saw it too, right?" Eyun went on. However, Minhee gave her only a puzzled look by furrowing her eyebrows as to not knowing what she was referring to.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now