CARD XXVII: If dark clouds wrecked the blue sky.

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She couldn't bear to look into his eyes any longer. The emptiness, this ruthless emptiness. The emptiness within once had shone light for her. At least she had imagined that.

But maybe this was just another lie.

Jungwon placed his index finger under her chin to tilt it slightly, forcing her gaze back to him. She locked eyes with his dark brown ones that had once been so mesmerising.

They suddenly seemed to be so much deeper than the deepest ocean, still hiding the greatest secrets, without there being any possibility of entering into that world. But why did she never succeed in unlocking it?

"Do you really want to hear my name?" He could observe the inner conflict in her storm-blue eyes, how much she wished for him to not be like that, how she wished all of this wasn't what it would turn out to be.

"Will you say it?" he asked, unable to suppress the heavy feeling that was creeping up inside of him. "Will you say my name?" Jungwon had once wished to hear his name from her, but why... Why was he afraid of it now?

She stared back at him, her eyes drained of any emotion they might hold. "Why? To make you feel even more superior?" Her jaw tightened. She removed his index finger. "You lied to me this whole time, didn't you?"

She couldn't believe it, one corner of his lips raised at the question. "I did... I lied." He licked his lips, eyes filling with what looked like malicious amusement. "But you were naive enough to believe me."

Was this really the boy she had feelings for? The boy she had almost thrown everything away for? Was this who he really was? This vicious demon right in front of her?

"It must have been fun." Her lips formed a tight-lipped smile. "To play puppeteer with me as the puppet." She laughed in painful disbelief. "You must have enjoyed it."

She stepped closer to him and pulled on his collar. "How miserable I turned because of you, how devastated I was. All because of you." The angel felt a sense of revulsion as she let go again. "And then this pathetic act of comfort."

All those moments she had treasured, which had a meaning for her were a sick illusion. They were meaningless and just a trick to tempt her into giving in to him. "This whole time... I was nothing but a play for you, wasn't I?"

She looked at him with so much hatred, but her tears were on the verge of revealing just how hurt she really was. Eyun tried her best to keep it in. She wasn't going to break down in front of him, she wasn't going to let him see a single tear fall from her eyes. He wasn't worthy of it.

"Eyun-ah." Jungwon had no idea why he felt the need to intervene and stop her from continuing. It hurt. This situation hurt. Seeing her like this hurt.

"Was anything real between us?" She asked him, looking deep into his eyes, just in the hope of catching a single spark. A single spark would be enough.

But there was nothing.

There was no reply, just silence and a blank stare.

Was anything real? He couldn't tell. When did his behaviour start to change? When had he stopped recognising the devil? When had he been just himself? He couldn't answer any of these questions.

The only thing he knew was that when she was with him, the darkness in him disappeared, this merciless and sadistic creature disappeared.

A smile full of pain formed on her face as she acknowledged the silence. "Right. You are nothing but a vile and despicable creature. It was a mistake on my part to expect anything from someone like you." She had to engrave those words in her heart.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now