CARD XIX: Probability of the unpredictable.

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"So, you really want to do this?"

Minhee's voice snapped the angel out of her daydream as she had been staring blankly into the thin air of the common area."Huh?"

Eyun had sat down in a corner of the huge place, waiting for Minhee and Taehyun to arrive. As she watched the various minor games that were going on around her, she began to drift away from reality. The whole time she was hugging her white backpack, she was reminded of the paper that was inside it.

The game she had been invited to, that could give her what she was here for, only.

"The invitation." Minhee pointed to the red envelope sticking out of the white backpack. "I asked you if you really planned to join those insane game addicts."

Eyun took the red letter out of her backpack and played with the folded edge. She simply nodded as she looked up at Minhee's judgmental gaze. "It will be in the next period." Her eyes shortly flickered to the huge silver clock on the wall.

"Alright." Minhee simply nodded. The angel frowned at the unusual reaction of her friend.

Minhee smiled and ran over to the approaching boy with the silver hair. "Taehyun-ah~" She called out, her voice too sweet to be without an ulterior motive behind it.

Thinking this, the boy stopped immediately as he approached the two girls and held out his hand. "Keep your distance from me."

"Taehyun-ah." She smiled at him, which made him even more suspicious of her. "What did you do?" He asked warily. "Yet... nothing." Minhee kept on smiling.

"You and I," she continued, making his expression slowly turn blank. "We will follow Eyun." He frowned at her statement. "What?"

"We will follow Eyun and you can do nothing about it." She put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Lee Minhee, you-"

"No." She shook her head. "You won't stop me, not a third time. It is come with me or be without me, Taehyun-ah," she said without even thinking of the meaning of her words.

Stunned, the boy stared at her and stopped blinking for a moment. His eyes closed as he took a deep breath, a hint of discomfort visible on his features. His hand unknowingly gripped the fabric of his trousers.

He didn't want it. He didn't want to see it. He didn't want to experience it again.

This whole gaming hell.

Taehyun slowly swallowed. What was he supposed to do? In the midst of his inner conflict, he knew that there was only one thing that had any bearing on his decision.

His one and only priority called Lee Minhee.

Taehyun's eyes reluctantly averted from her honey-brown ones. He weakly nodded in defeat. Minhee was more important to him.

The regret he'd felt the first time he hadn't been able to protect her, he didn't want to feel it ever again.

Taehyun would rather hate himself than have her hate him.

IF I WERE THE DEVIL ; YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now