Harry styles imagine-LONG-chapter nine

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Your P/O/V

I was actually putting up with this I'm sleeping out in the wilderness. Even though I have a childish reason to be scared I cant help it and now there's nothing I can do about it. I don't think I will even to able to sleep for 2 reasons the first is clear and then there's Harry, he's going to be sleeping feet away from me next to me. I guess the only thing left is to take out my phone and wait for morning.

Harry's P/O/V

I say y/n take out her phone was she not tired, which doesn't make sense its been such a long day that I cant even keep my eyes open.

"Y/n are you not tired because that's crazy, but you also you've seemed off the whole day what's wrong?" I cant help looking at her sad or depressed I have to see that smile she always has on or I don't know what I would do.

"Harry I'm fine just not a big fan of the woods since I was little, really long story." After a couple attempts she gave in to tell me what's wrong.

"Okay so it might seem childish but I went to some mountains of woods...whatever. But my dad and uncle went hunting and I guess their aim was off and they shot my dad....his name was Robert. I just cant." I could see that she could barely talk and now she was sobbing, this is not okay where's her smile, damn it.

"Y/n that's not a childish that must have been terrible for you, I'm so sorry. I should of never asked you to come." I had a feeling to go and pick her up and make her feel better, whatever it took.

"Its okay its my fault I knew what I was getting myself into, even though it was 10 years ago I still wake up with night mares,  maybe because he was my only friend besides Josh." Now I really need to make her feel better.

After some time y/n fell asleep cuddling with a pillow my eyes couldn't help but wonder her body, very small and fragile why would anyone want to hurt her an innocent girl. But I had to get to sleep and wake up early to get to another tent I don't know what Alexis would do to poor y/n if she found us here. 


Your P/O/V

This morning I couldn't find Harry which got me quite sad since he helped me feel better last night and now I only have to go through one more day. I got dressed and walked out groaning the minute I saw Alexis, now one more day but with her. I mean I don't hate her because she's dating Harry but herself is  what I don't like. Harry doesn't deserve someone like that. 

"Hey everyone. Hope you all had a good sleep." I have a feeling of being extra nice today.

After some breakfast and getting to know people a bit better the girls all decided to go on a hike.

"Y/n you sure you'll be okay you don't have to go."

"Harry I'm fine if something happens I'll call you okay?" I was glad Harry was concerned.

The more I relaxed I saw the beauty of the surroundings around me. When we got back to the camping sight the boys were around the fire cooking I guess.

"Hey girls we made dinner come and eat will play a game latter." Cody seemed like a very outdoor person. I wish I was like that.

The game Cody mentioned made me feel like I was a hichooler even though when I was in highschool I never got out. The games were spin the bottle and truth or dare. And these people know how tom embarrass others. I could hear Harry and Alexis arguing over her playing spin the bottle.

"Harry you don't control me if I want to play I'll play I clearly don't care what you think."

"Alexis do you think its okay to do this, you know what I don't care." 

Harry came over and slumped next to me.

"I'm sorry Harry, she just wants to have a little fun."

"Fun? Y/n do you know what Alexis has done over the years. I think she doesn't even care." This was the first time Harry has ever yelled at me, I had to calm him down before he killed someone.

"Harry there's noting I can do to change her mind but I'll stay here until you feel better, to pay you back for last night. We stayed there talking every time it was Alexis's turn I would make Harry look away. But when truth or dare came next I wanted to play.

"Come Harry being with people will make you feel better." I used all my strength I had to pull him up.

"Okay Harry I dare you to go skinny dipping... but you have to take y/n I've seen that you guys are always around each other." What the hell Cody do Harry's friends not know he's in a realshinip?

"What? Okay then." And before I could even answer he pick me up and ran towards the lake and I have to say I was loving it.

"Harry how cold do you think the water is?"

"Not much come on I want to win this, please to make me feel better?"  And the next thing I knew I was in the water with Harry...naked. After a while he picked me up and kissed me. I was enjoying him and his hands his lips his body. Until I saw he was putting on a show for Alexis. I couldn't take it I thought I was a kiss because he liked me but no all for her. I jumped off and slapped him ran out crying. I had no power over what was going on, my legs were running back to my cloths.

Just when I think that tings could get better nope. Just gets worse I knew I had my hopes up too much. Now another reason to hate the woods.

Harrys P/O/V

I was in love with the fact that I was going to see y/n naked, it was time for me to have fun for once in a while. Now I knew that I liked y/n and now there was perfect time to do whatever I wanted to her. When we got into the water I had my little fun, showing her off to the people that were watching. At first I thought y/n would be totally against it but no. Then she slapped me oh god what did I do. I couldn't let her leave. I got out.

"Hey where's y/n I need to talk to her."

"Your little slut got all her stuff and now who knows were she is."

"Don't ever say that about her Alexis, your not even half as good as her. So just shut up."

I had to keep looking for her before anything bad happened I knew she didn't like the woods. But then Abby said y/n was safe and was going home. I have to go talk to her. 

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