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Your  POV

The whole car ride I felt as if as if I was going to throw up, and completely loose myself. It was the hardest thing to try to stay calm, but Harry held my hand the whole way. I love Harry. He's been so caring, and he doesn't even know whats going on. The more I think of Harry I think of myself having a baby boy, and how he would resemble Harry 100%. I have to make myself think of on the bright side. If I ever had a child I don't want to be so bitter about it. I want my pregnancy to be the most delightful as it can be.

We finally drooped off Josh. I'm thankful he wasn't sober, because he would be asking endless questions, and I'm not in the mood for it. The only thing that sucked about dropping him off was the fact that we are now closer to getting to the store. I don't think my legs are going to be able to even get me out the car.

"Okay. We're here. Do you want me to come with you?" Harry's face wore a worried expression.

I was staring at Harry. I looked deeply into his eyes seeing my refection in them. I gave him one last squeeze on his hands before letting go.

"Yes. I wont be long. Then at home I will explain everything okay?'

"Yeah. Whatever you want." Harry was getting nervous now.

I was now alone in the store slowly walking down the ales to find pregnancy tests. I have never imagined myself in this position before. I have to keep thinking that everything will be alright before I start crying in the middle of the store. I have to get myself together this is redcouis, but I can't even seem to go without crying.

I have no clue on which tests to even get. There's so many options the more I kept looking at the shelves the more I felt like I'm drowning. I keep on thinking about which test to get that at some points I forget to breath.

"Stay calm. Breath." I keep on saying to myself in the quietest voice I have.

I sucked in air my shoulders rising up, and staying there for a while until I breathed again. I got back to my regular breathing. Each step I took towards the cashier felt heavier and heavier. I thought I was never going to make it. Well now I have to experience of knowing how it feels to walk in mud. I just wanted to fall on the floor right there, but I knew I had to keep on going. How messed up am I?

Thank god there is no line, and that the cashier seemed like a very nice lady. I had to hold on the table to make it to her without collapsing on the floor. I slowly gave her the box with my shaky pale hands, and tried my best to smile.

"Hi. This all?" The women said quite kindly.

I nodded. It was all I could do at the moment.

"30.50 please."

"30.50" The woman said a little louder.

"Umm what sorry?" I didn't get an ounce of what she said, and it scared me. My boy insn't even working right now.

"Miss it's 30.50" Her lips kept moving, but I couldn't hear anything. Surprisingly she didn't seem annoyed. She had a warm look on her face full of concern.

I handed her 40 dollars smiling and just turned away walking into the cold. I don't think she said anything else. She might get this a lot. She didn't even have a weird look on her face. This must be her usual night. She seemed nice though, bless her heart.

Harry was still in the car the light of his phone shinning onto his face. I gave him a smile from across the parking a lot, and he returned the favor. His eyes lit the dark parking lot, and where still shining bright as ever. I don't have that beauty Harry has. My eyes are dull, and boring. Unlike Harry someone could get lost in them forever, and fall in love with one look.

I tried to quickly run to the car, pushing my legs to their limit. I got into the car taking in long breaths. I felt something warm on my knee. It was Harry's hands he never fails when it comes to comforting me. 

"Lets go home." Harry's words slowly came out of his mouth.


The rest of the car ride home was silent. We we're able to hear each others breaths mine was more noticeable though. Harry tried to keep me calm the whole way. Which he succeeded at.

We turned onto my block. My house getting closer and closer. Five houses, four houses, three houses, two houses, and we were here.

"We'ere here." Whispered Harry. He had his head resting on the steering wheel his finger turning white from the grip. I could tell he was beyond tried, and I feel guilty that he drove.

I opened the door with my shaking fingers running to the front door leaving Harry outside with the door open. I rushed to the bathroom not even looking the door.

I took more breaths before opening the box. I starred at the stick fo ra while before doing what the instructions said. Harry better not barge in here.

hey guys please leave comments telling me if there should be a baby  or not please. I will go off what Im told :))

Harry styles imagine-LONG- chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now