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Your POV

Tonight was the night, the night of going out with Harry. And yes I was nervous, I didn't eat at all today, and now my stomach hurt I didn't know it was the nerves, or just not eating. I'm scared Harry would not like me in my dress, and he might think I'm an ugly whale who squeezed into a dress. I'm scared my makeup doesn't look right, and I just look like an idiot. I just hope everything goes well. I have two hours before Harry got here I might as well read The Fault In Our Stars since everyone loves the book so much.

Harry's POV

Tonight was the night. I finally get to go out with y/n, someone I truly love, and like to be around with. I'm not going in fancy cloths, I refuse to even though everyone thought it would be a good idea. I have spent all day trying to make a damn rock perfect, I hope that park doesn't miss it's rocks. I decided to draw a few roses on the rock, and date it at the bottom, so she'll always remember tonight, if it foes well. Fuck I need to take the negativity out of my head, or  nothing will ever go right for me. It was half an hour, so I'll just leave now.

Your POV

I finally herd that knock on the door I've been waiting for the whole day. Wow Harry looked beautiful in a manly way, his face is just perfect, even when he's wearing plain cloths I can still admire, and wonder how someone could look this perfect. The eyes this kid must get.

"Y/n you look beautiful tonight, hungry? By the way that dress is the best part of the night. Here I got you these clishae roses. That's a whole fucking lot of money, there just going to die anyway, sorry."

"Well gee thanks, but I acctauly get where your coming from with the flowers, doesn't last forever, but they are beautiful. Thanks you Harry."

"haha you're a little weird. Most people just say thanks, not the whole thank you."

"Sorry for being proper." I gave him a sarcastic comeback, if you can call it that.

"Put the flowers in something and lets go."

Harry's POV

I was disappointed she didn't see the rock in the flowers I really wanted to see her face, but how can she not feel the weight? She did look damn perfect in her dress it must've token hours to get ready, and only for me, there better be no other fuckers looking at her.

In the car I get her change station after satiation. I enjoyed hearing her whisper along to the music, and have fun I even joined in, in a few songs. Lord is this what people like listening to?

I wasn't sure if holding her hand was okay, so I awkwardly just let it sit there.

Your POV

The car ride with Harry was so much fun, I loved that he sang along, I never in a million years thin he would do something like this. These little moments are what I love about being with Harry, I'm the only one who gets to see this side of him. I finally calmed down, and remembered I was hungry. Good we were here.

Damn no why no not tonight. They were back, the guys who harassed me the other day. I felt Harry's had reach for mine, and I could feel his heart beat quicken. I gave him a light squeeze making him sure I was here, and nothing was going to go wrong. I hope.

"Harry its okay. Lets just go inside eat, and have a good time. Sound good?" God I really needed to calm him down.

"Please Harry I've been having a nice night lets not ruin it."

"Fine. come if they touch you I cant promise you anything." Lord Harry please. I gave him a quick kiss to calm him.

We got into the restaurant with no harm down, but I'm hoping when we leave their not there anymore, so I can enjoy my night. I was very angry when the server looked at Harry with a bad look, maybe just because he didn't come dresses up and his tattoos, but who cares. I also didn't enjoy the waitress eye fucking Harry, did I just say fucking, wow.

"Are you okay y/n?"

"Yeah I'm fine just don't like the waitress."

"Oo someone's a little jealous."

"Shut up." I threw him my napkin, and he threw me a piece of bread, I swear it could've been a food fight if the waitress didn't come over.

She gave Harry a note it took him a while to read it after laughing so hard, but when he did those dimples disappeared.

Harry styles imagine-LONG- chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now