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Your POV

I was back home now, and all I could think about was last night. I was sitting on the couch dreaming of last night over, and over again. The way I was feeling was unreal. I feel as if no other human feels the way I feel when I'm around Harry. My body feels alive and electric, it's amazing. I try to imagine Harry's hands on my, but nothing can nothing makes me feel the same. I don't think I have ever missed someone so much as I do now, and it's only been mere hours.

As the day went on I was getting lonely, and I needed someone to talk to. I couldn't bother Harry, since he's at work. I realized that before I would never want human interaction I wanted to be alone. It's unhealthy not having support I now know that being alone is sometimes not the way to live your life. Everyone needs someone there for them, and now I am opening up, and being happier with my life. Now that I think about hanging out with someone I realized that I haven't seen my friends in so long. I think it's time for some catching up. I can now finally be the one sharing good boy stories instead of being the one in the corner.

I called them all over, and I couldn't wait until they came. I didn't do anything spacial. I brought out some wine, and some cookies. I laughed to myself thinking to back when I was little having tea parties by myself. I was the awkward loner girl until college. I'm glad though, because now I have people in my life that actually matter to me, and I know what I need in a friend. If I had friends back then I feel as if I would have the ones that take advantage of you, or only use you. I was naive, and I always ask myself if I am still naive. I need to take back my life, and stop being afraid of everything. I finally think it's happening. Step by step.

 I have been thinking deeply about my life. It makes me learn a lot about myself, life, and how the world works. I believe that  haven't been living before. Living for me is to love, be happy, and why were here. I don't know why I'm here, but I sure know that I am happy and in love. Is that all I could ask for?  “There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.” As long as someone is happy I believe that they are living their life to the fullest. Its taken me so long to be here, and I never want to leave. I know that a person should never let their happiness be determined by other human, but ever since Harry came into my life I have been happier then I have ever been.

The door bell rang taking me out of my thoughts. I got up fluffed my hair, and I went to the door.

"Hey guys!"

Everyone I called was here. When I began making friends my absolute nightmare was getting stud up. 

"Hi y/n. We havn't seen you in a while, so what's going on?"

"Nothing much come in." WE exchanged hugs and kisses. I swear my life is getting better and better. If I could tell anyone who is in the situation I was back in school I would tell them that everything gets better. Everyone says it, but its true.

Authors note~ Since this is a fanfiction involving you, the reader. there will be three friends, and they can be yours I will be putting y/f/n 'your friends name" 1 2 and 3. So this can be more to your own story.xx

"Y/n I we all know you didn't call us over here for nothing. You need to tell us whats going on." y/f/n #2 said.

"Nothing much. But for years now I've been listening to your boy stories, and now I guess I have my own boy story, I also wanted to see you guys."

"That's great honey. I have something to say first just don't call me out for being a nerd please I gave you a warning so don't judge. I have resent read all of John Green's books. And unless you live under a rock you have all seen The Fault In Our Stars trailers. Anyways I got preview tickets, so we can all watch it early, and for you y/n you will be bring your new man so we can meet him. I only have one extra ,and look what y/n had done. Just kidding, but really do bring him" Y/f/n #1 said laughing.

"Um that sounds great." I just loved how y/fn #1 always made plans for things before knowing details. That's something I loved about her she always jumped right into things not being afraid. She's someone I always wanted to be.

"Come on spill everything." yf/n #3 said.

I told them everything about Harry expat the restaurant situation, and Harry's personal things.

"Y/n now tell me did you guys use a condom or have you finally gotten on the pill. And if you've gotten on the pill, and haven't told me my only option is to rip your head off for not telling me." yf/n #3 said 

"No, we need to ask how the hell you got a bad boy. I mean I'm surprised it's you, and not me. I mean look at me I'm the definition of a classy slut." yf/n #2 said rather loud and obnoxious

That's when my eyes bulged out of my head. Not because of her intimate questions, but that fact that Harry and I didn't use any protection. I was about to cry. I don't know if I should tell them the truth. I don't want to set more borders between us now that I'm finally getting closer to them. 

"Condom. Don't worry I would definitely tell you if I got on them pill." I thought that sentence was never going to come out of my mouth after the silence the lingered for quite a while.

"Oh great babe."

The whole night I dozed off from my friends, and laughed when they did to make it seem as if I was till there. Could I be pregnant with Harry's child? Would I keep it? Would Harry want to stay with me? All these things kept over powering my thoughts. My mind was racing a hundred miles per hour it couldn't be stopped. The idea of this makes me feel as if I'm drowning, and there's no way to be saved.

After what seemed like entirety it was time for them to leave. We were all saying our good byes at the door, and I put on a fake smile. There goes my idea of having my life together.

"Hey Y/n I knew you didn't feel good tonight I could see it in your eyes. Don't let yf/n #2 intimate you about sex, and let me know when I myself cross the line. Okay honey? Talk to me about anything." y/f/n #1 said while hugging you and brushing you hair from the back. That took like some of the pressure.

I closed the door. I pressed my back on the door slowly sliding down sitting on the floor. I kept thinking about my life with Harry's child. After what seemed like nothing my body started to hurt I noticed that I was crying, and all my eye make up has made me look like a fucking raccoon. Also that I have been sitting here for an hours.

I gained my strength back, lifting myself up. And did the only thing that was left to do I called Harry.

The phone kept ringing and ringing. I knew he wasn't going to pick up.

Harry styles imagine-LONG- chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now