13. jealous

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Jungkook pov;

I smiled like an idiot looking at Jin who was walking, his back facing me. His steps are slow and his head is a little bit hung low as his fingers are playing with his bag strings.

He didn't see that someone was in front of him until he bumped into the person in front of him.

It's Eunho. He held Jin's waist before he fell as he helped him to balance. He smiled widely looking at Jin.

I swear i really wanted to rip his smile off of his pace and scream on his face fuck off.

Seokjin pov;

I am sad because Jungkook is not talking with me properly. He is avoiding me, maybe i assumed things and thought he liked me, i think I was wrong.

I was walking without any consent from the world that I didn't notice the person in front of me and I bumped into him. He held my waist and stopped me from Falling.

"Ohh...i..I'm sorry" i said with a bow, but he didn't let me go. He smiled at me and leaned towards my face, my head backed away and looked at that person in confusion.

"Good morning you too beauty" he said with a smile.

"Ha..good morning" now i completely withdraw myself from his hold.

"Congratulations!" He said, extending his hands towards me.

My brows frowned "why?"

"You got selected! "

"Ohh" that's the only thing I said before zoning out. Jungkook didn't even say that.

"So coffee?" He asked, still his hand extended. I looked at his face and then his hand.

I was about to take his hand but before that a strong grip on my forearm gripped me and swung me, making me flinch by the sudden action.

There stood Jungkook with piercing eyes, his grip still on my arms.

"Thank you and he is busy with me so...excuse us" jungkook said through gritted teeth and dragged me from the spot where i was frozen a few minutes ago with shock.

Butterflies are flying in my stomach, now is the time to smile. My lips twitched with a large smile. His hands on my arm didn't let me go.

His touch is enough for me to go insane.

I was just dragged behind him. He didn't look at me but didn't release his grip on me either.

I know he is jealous....

And I like it....

Soon my eyes widened when I saw we were on the college terrace. Looking around my eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

I didn't get a chance to meet his gaze because I was pushed to a nearby wall, his hands on my shoulder.

His face is so near to me, his lips are just inches away from mine, his hot breath against my lips.

I love this possessiveness, I love this jealousy, I love it when he behaves like he has some control on me.

"What? Why did you drag me here?" I tried my best to behave like an angry person.

He huffed...maybe trying to control his emotions..

"Stay away from eunhoo" his voice low and his grip loose and he took a step back.

I wanted him to hold me..but to my disappointment he took a step back giving me my space.

"Why?" It was a whisper.

Just tell me your jealous..or..you love-

"Because.. because he is not good..he is a playboy...." He said looking everywhere but me.

"That's it?"

"Ha!..ya..that's it...nothing much" he shuttered facing his back to me.


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