14. Pain

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Seokjin pov;

"Nothing much" he said, his back facing me.

Wow...just wow...is he really thinks I'm dumb and i can't understand anything? Anyway, I have my own plans.

"Ohh..ok. thank you for your concern...so I'll take my leave now" i said moving towards the exit and as expected our hero stopped me.

Sorry I mean my hero.....

"Where? Where are you going?"

"Umm...do i have to tell you?" My eyebrows raised as I stopped on my way. Now I'm facing my back to him and I can't control myself from smiling.

"Uh-umm..no..no..it's not like that..huff.... Ok bye" he said and walked past me without uttering a word as he left the place.

Seriously?...that's it....o god....

I stood there dumbfounded.


"Hey! Hi. Don't you have any class today?" Yoongi was sitting in his bed while playing guitar.

"Nope...day off today" he said with a smile.

"You can play? Wow! Nice" now I'm in front of him.

"Wanna hear" I nod excitedly and take a seat on the bed.

Rest of our day went with little chit chats and some music.

Yoongi is really something. He looks cold but he is so sweet.

He is too kind. I like his company. He is my best roommate.


"Yes!" My gaze on him, he looks hesitant.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, yoongi-chi"

"Why did you choose psychiatry as your major?" he asked me.

"I want to learn things about human behaviour and their mindset....you know..like whatever you feel physically like pain is nothing compared to mentally you go through. It's very hard to come out and i want to help others"

"Ohh... perhaps...umm...have you ever gone through it?" I was silent for a minute before meeting his gaze.


"Seokjin, I'm really sorry if I made you feel offended. But trust me you can share anything with me. I don't think you know that you were talking in your dream....but...but...from day one you were talking when you were sleeping.... saying 'it hurts... don't do it... please' ...i just wanted to know, is there anything i could help you with it" he said looking at me with concern.

I don't know why Yoongi always feels like home. He feels like my brother. I stared at me with my widened, feared eyes. My eyes started to burn with hot liquid and in a second tears came out from my eyes. Lowering my head, biting my lips, I tried my best to control myself but it never happened because I burst out remembering all the worst things that happened in my life.

It hurts, it's like someone is choking me and I was gasping for air.

Then my body leaned to a next body which was holding me securely in his arms, I looked up only to see those beautiful deer eyes looking at me with concern, panic. I let him hug me because I needed this. I needed this comfort.

"Seokjin, here" I didn't realise my breathing became uneven and I was trembling.

Yoongi handed water but my hands were shaking and I let the bottle drop on the floor.

"Hey...sh...calm down..shh..." Soon my body started to swing with the other body and my eyes met with that person who gave me his angelic bunny smile.

"Ju..jungkook" my voice was so weak that his name stuck in my throat. His hands tighten on my back, rubbing my back and other hand caressing my back of head.

"Yoongi open the curtain" yoongi did it.

They made me sit on the bed leaning against the bed headboard.

"Relax..hmmm..here drinking it" yoongi made me drink the water. He sat beside me with a worried face.

Jungkook held my hand while running it with his thumb.


My breathing is normal but my eyes are puffy from crying, I guess my nose is also red.

My eyes met with the others who were waiting for my words... I know this is the time I should let my guards down and share my pain...this is the time to let my sorrows go...



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