Part 6

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Over the hill, they had arrived. A place so secluded and eerie, they were at.

It wasn't too dark outside; the sky was grey—the light; very steadily leaving the sky.

The hedgehog's walked slowly through the road of the town. Shadow was quietly observing the wreckage; some buildings were burnt beyond recognition, others still somewhat recognisable; a small convenience store had the top roof slightly crushing down against its right side wall.

"So why'd ya bring me to this shithole?" Shadow scoffed.
"See that over there?" Sonic pointed at a rusty old car laying in the centre of the street,
"I want to smash it up! pick up one of those bats over there!" He shouted in his usual energetic tone, he then pointed at two baseball bats leaning against the flat sided two story ruin next to the side of the road.
"Sonic, what the fuck?" Shadow was confused to Sonic's random, haphazard demeanour.
"C'mon Shads, It'll be fun!" Sonic yapped immaturely.
"Alright then..." Shadow chuckled, as he walked over and grabbed a bat.

Upon further inspection, from getting closer, it was noticeable that the car used to be a black Volkswagen. This was irrelevant but, nonetheless, it seemed eerily strange.

Sonic picked up the bat and hit the car with full force, he started with the door then the front window. Shadow started smashing the roof top open furiously and rapidly, it was almost as if the couple had pent up anger and/or anger issues.

Shadow of the ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now