part 1

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back story

you are 15 and are an actress in LA ,, you are in hotels alone most the time as you are originally from england but moved to LA when your career took off but your family didnt move with you. you have been in things like spiderman , never have i ever , free guy (RYAN REYNOLDS😍😍) , uncharted and many other major movies and shows. you have 18 million followers on instagram so your pretty miss your family but you dont mind being on your own you also dont have many friends as alot of them are clout chasers ( i think thats what you call them atleast)

you woke up it was 9:30 and you had an interview at 11:30 which gave you 2 hours to get ready. "ugh where are my jeans" i said rummaging through my suit case. it was kind of annoying how i havent had anywhere to call home in awhile but i had to get through it. i finished getting ready and drove down to the interview place it was around a 20 minute drive so it was alright. you got there and started the interview

(im gonna do like a script type writing cause its just easier for writing an interview)

int = interviewer

you : hey im y/n
int : so y/n are you working on anything new recently
you : i am but i am not sure if im allowed to say to be honest so im gonna keep my mouth shut just incase
int : well theres a rumour your gonna be on euphoria can you confirm this or not
you : i wish that was true (it was but it hadn't been announced)
int : well we loved you in uncharted which just came out
you : yes it did that was so fun to film hate how they left it on a cliff hanger though
int : omg yes , but does it confirm theres a 2nd one coming
you : i honestly have no idea
int : who would you say is your favourite person you have worked with
you : erm idrk i liked working with ryan reynolds just cause hes ryan reynolds you know
the interviewer stats laughing
int : well can we see you in the next deadpool
you : honestly if they need a super cool person to be in deadpool just hit me up but as far as im aware im not in deadpool
int : well is there anyone you would like to meet in general
you : i definitely fangirl over zendaya even though ive met her still everytime i see her i get nervous cause its like OMG THATS ZENDAYA
int : what about celebrity crushes
you : erm im not really sure theres no one that sticks out
int : well the boys must like you
you : im gonna take that as a compliment so thankyou ,, well i get the odd can i have your snap but ive never really had a boyfriend
int : i thought you would be a player y/n
you : im a holy girl don't doubt me
the interviewer laughs
int : well thankyou for being here y/n it was so nice talking to you
you : it was a pleasure to be here

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