part 19

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you guy get to your house and are sitting on the couch
maddie : we should so do something tomorrow
luke : cant got hockey
ellie : i will
you : same
jaden : yeah sure
maddie : great we can invite sam and lauren and them to
you : alright but what are we going to do
maddie : erm im not sure
ellie : beach dayy
maddie : yes that sounds good

skip to the next day

you wake up at 8am head to the bathroom and get ready

you wake up at 8am head to the bathroom and get ready

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you wear this ^^^

it's around 10am you get in your car snd drive to jadens house to pick him up

you : hello
jaden : hey
youn: you ready
jaden : yeah sure
you guys set off
jaden : so are you going to new york on tuesday aswell
you : omg i totally forgot about that interview
jaden : well good thing i reminded you
you : well thankyou kind sire
jaden : no problemo
you : should we get startbucks
jaden : yes sure
you guys pull into the drive through and order
barista : that will be $8.36 please
you : here you go
you pass her your card
bariasta : thankyou have a nice dah
you : thankyou
jaden : you should of let me pay
you : well i did so shhh
jaden : your annoying
you : not as annoying as you
you guys get to the beach (theres jake sam mateo lauren jess alissa ellie maddie)
maddie : heyy
you : hi guys
ellie : okay now where all here lets gonput our stuff down
you all go put your stuff down and lay towels down to sit on
your sat down next to jaden
you : this is so boring
you whisper
jaden : i know
you : wanna go in the ocean
jaden : yeah
you guys get up
you : where going in the ocean so if you wanna come come along
they get up and go in the ocean with you guys for like an hour until you go sit back down
lauren : we should go get dinner somewhere
you : yess im starving
maddie : alright lets go here (your choice)
alissa : i dont really wanna go in a bikini
lauren : alright head back and get ready then we will meet there at like 7
maddie : alright and wear something nice
you and jaden head back to your car and first stop off at his house
jaden : alright so ill get ready here then we will go to yours and you grt ready
you : sounds good
jaden : actually you should grt a shower here so it's faster then you dont take as long at yours
you : erm alright
jaden : dont be so awkward
you : but im literally wearing a jacket and a bikini right now
jaden : noones home don't worry
he opens the door
jaden : see
you : i also have no clothes
jaden : well ure mine
you : alright
you guys shower and you put one of jadens hoddies and some shorts on and head to your apartment
you go to your room to get ready and jaden comes and lays on your bed
you : making yourself comfy
jaden : well i might aswell
you guys talk while you do your hair
you : okay which dress 1 or 2
jaden : definitely 2

36 pleaseyou : here you go you pass her your card bariasta : thankyou have a nice dah you : thankyou jaden : you should of let me payyou : well i did so shhhjaden : your annoying you : not as annoying as you you guys get to the beach (theres jake ...

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you wear this

you guys drive to dinner

lauren : this food is actually nice
luke : yh it is
maddie : so lauren how are you and mateo
lauren : where doing good what about you and javon
jaden : javon ??? your dating my brother
maddie : where not dating
jaden : but you like him
maddie : and what if i do
jaden : what the hell maddie thats me brother we literally all agreed ages ago siblings were off limits
maddie : well i forgot
jaden : well now you remember
maddie : i dont even see what the big deal is
jaden : well when you end stuff its gonna be awkward as hes my brother and your my friend
you : jaden just leave it
jaden : well did you know about this
you : yeah i guess
jaden : and you didn't tell me
you : just drop it jaden
jaden : im so done we literally had a fucking deal maddie
he walks out
you go to stand up
sam : just leave him he will be alright
you : alright

you guys eat and are leaving now

maddie : hey im sorry about this
you : its fine
maddie : i literally forgot about it
you : its alright i better go now
maddie : alright bye
you : bye

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