part nueve ☁️☁️

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jaden : what are you doing in my room
jayla : we were just waiting for you guys
jaden : couldnt you wait in your own room like you would still hear us walk in
jayla : well i didnt and now look im here so suck it up butter cup
you laugh
jaden : its not funny y/n
you : well stop getting so angry over nothing then just sit down dude
jaden : its an invasion of privacy losers
javon : shut up jaden and deal with it
you guys sit on his bed
jayla : so how did you find your first ever base ball match y/n
you : it was okay seen better sports
jaden : like what
you : ice hockey is cool to watch
jaden : yhyh whatever
javon : shes not wrong
you : i know right

you all sit and talk for awhile until your all tired and you go sleep in the guest room ,, skip to morning ,, jaden comes running in and jumps on the bed laying next to you ,, you roll over to look at him

you : hello
jaden : sup
you : may i ask what your doing
jaden : well im hungry
you : do i look like food
jaden : you didnt let me finish i was gonna say that i didnt want to go eat alone and wanted you to come
you : alright let's go
you guys go to your car and drive to a cafe nearby
you : here we are
jaden : okay lets go im starving

you : hello jaden : sup you : may i ask what your doing jaden : well im hungry you : do i look like foodjaden : you didnt let me finish i was gonna say that i didnt want to go eat alone and wanted you to come you : alright let's go you guys go to ...

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@y/ny/l/n : good morning :)

you guys have sat down and ordered food

you : i cant believe you dragged me out of bed this early like i need my beauty sleep
jaden : its like 9:30 not that early
you : we went to bed at like 3 though jaden
jaden : true you should just get good
you : well i cant
jaden : so what is your busy day like today
you : erm im not to sure i think i have like a free day ,, what about you ?
jaden : i have baseball practice at like 12 until like 3 and then i think me and my friends are going to hang out
you : oh yh you and the boys
jaden : dont worry y/n i can make time for you in my busy schedule
you : oh can you so where exactly is my jaden time in this busy day you have
jaden : well i guess you can come hang out with my friends if you want i think where going out to eat or something
you : will there be like other girls there
jaden : erm i think so
you : well if there are then sure but if there isnt then no
jaden : well i think there is so u better
you : okay so when are you guys all hanging out
jaden : well were going home cleaning up then meeting up
you : well if im going if you want i can come pick you up and then we go to my hotel and just get readt there
jaden : alright that's a good plan
you : okay so ill drop you off at your house after we eat you go get the clothes you want give them to me and i bring them to my hotel and come pick you uo at 3 and then get ready
jaden : sounds great

your food arrives

you : this is actually quite good
jaden : i know id rate it an 8 out of 10
you : id give it a 7.5
jaden : so picky
you : why you always hating on me
jaden : hey i just tell the truth
you : well jts all lies
jaden : well im uninviting you from everything i've invited you to cause your that bad
you : you invited me to a dinner not gonna be the end of the workd for me sadly
jaden : what about the party
you : your friend invited me not you
jaden : oh yh

you guys eat and leave

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