part 25

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A/N : i feel like im gonna end this story soon but a new one will come out like straight after i might try finish it tonight if i dont fall asleep ________________________________

jaden : so what do you wanna do
you : erm i dont really know
jaden : well my mum is making dinner right now so we got like 30 mins to kill
you : well what would you like to do
jaden : nope your choosing
you : im not its literally up to you
jaden: well i need to get a shower
you : well i will go find someone cooler to hang out with
jaden : you do that
you : byeee
you go walk into jaylas room

you : heyy
jayla : hii me and kylee are live come see
you : hey everyone its me as always
kylee : i havent even had a conversation with
y/n yet and ive seen her multiple times
jayla : its cause jaden and javon gatekeep her
you : you never ask me to hang out
jayla : you never ask me
you : well i will one day
jayla : alright good
kylee : y/n they wanna know if your dating jaden or javon
you : nah im dating jayla shes me wife
kylee : shes mine
jayla : you can share
you : im not sure if i can
jayla : your gonna have to
kylee : alright lets see what else there saying ,, wheres javon
jayla : im not sure
you : i think hes in his room depressed
jayla : oh yh forgot
kylee : next one who is your bestfriend
jayla : probably kylee no offence y/n
you : its alright
kylee : yh probably jayla
you : i dont really have a bestfriend i just have alot
jayla : its definitely jaden
kylee : yeah
you : hes not my bestfriend
jayla : why not
you : where just not
jayla : you guys confuse me
kylee : alright where gonna go now cause my mum is outside to pick me up so bye guys
she ends the live

kylee : my mum is actually outside so i need to leave ,, jayla im not gonna see you for like a week
jayla : arent you coming to the baseball game tomorrow
kylee : oh yh but after that like a week
jayla : well save the tears for tomorrow
kylee : i actually better go bye jayla bye y/n
she leaves

jayla : your coming to the game tomorrow right
you : yeah im pretty sure
jayla : and your coming to florida
you : yes i think
jayla : yess good cant wait
jessica : DINNER
jayla : lets go

you walk downstairs and all go sit round the dining table and everyone is there except jaden

DJ : wheres jaden
you : hes in the shower or was in the shower
jessica : javon go get your brother
jaden : stop crying everyone im here
he comes and sits down next to you
jessica : alright lets eat (pretend its whatever you want)
you : this is really good
jessica : aww thankyou
jaden : so javon are you not depressed anymore
javon : shut up bro
jessica : what happened javon
javon : nothing just girl stuff
DJ : bro got his first heartbreak
javon : im not heart broken
jaden : he is
jayla : leave the poor boy alone
javon : thanks jayla
jayla : so whos the girl
javon : your meant to be on my side jayla
jayla : i am i was just wondering who it was
jessica : oh yes who was it
javon : jaden dont
jaden : MADDIE
you : jaden come on
jaden : it just came out
javon : your not even funny
jayla : maddie like jadens friend maddie
javon : yes that maddie
jessica : aww i really thought she was a nice girl
javon : she is but shes just abit messed up
DJ : so what did she don
javon : it doesnt matter
jaden : well she basically
you kick him
jaden : you know what it doesn't matter
jayla : come on i wanna know
jaden : i hardly know the story ask javon
daelo : you guys are so confusing
you : they really are
DJ : so you ready for your game tomorrow jaden
jaden : yeah i think where gonna win
DJ : well we got your game tomorrow then on sunday you gotta have your bags packed cause where leavinf early monday
jayla : we know how it works dad
DJ : hey we have a newcomer she might not know
you : i appreciate it DJ

you all finish eating then you and jaden head to his room

jaden : so what do you wanna do now
you : well i need to post an instagram photo because if not ill get in trouble for not being active enough

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