part 2 <3

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its a couple days later and your in a mcdonalds drive through getting lunch until your manager calls you
y/m = your manager

you : hey y/m
y/m : hey y/n so we talked to the producers on euphoria and you start filming on friday (it's currently tuesday)
you : alright got it ,, when do i get the script
y/m : it should cone through later today on your email ,, they told me its a big part your playing so its gonna be bard but i think you can handle it
you : well lets hope
y/m : also your moving hotels to one closer to filming so its easier
you : okay dokay
y/m : well thats all also you can announce your on euphoria now so you should probably do that
you : got it
y/m : see you later
you : bye

i hate sometimes how i get told stuff on such short notice i feel like im always the last one to know sometimes like today i now have to move hotels , make a post , start practicing the script and film for my youtube which doesn't sound like alot but i overthink everything like i have to make sure the post is perfect its like i feel like i have to have everyone's approval on everything to do even though i should only really care what i think and i know theres them people that say they dont care what people think but i think deap down we all care about what people think.

i drove home packed my stuff and moved hotels i then decided to post to announce euphoria

❤️ liked by 4,345,552 @y/ny/l/n : so i guess im gonna be on euphoria drk how that happened but cant wait !!!!!

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❤️ liked by 4,345,552
@y/ny/l/n : so i guess im gonna be on euphoria drk how that happened but cant wait !!!!!

all the comments were just people congratulating you

finally i sat down opened my macbook and went to my email to find my script i started reading it and i really liked my character i played sydney and muades younger sister which was cool cause i thought they were both amazing. so i spent an hour or two learning my lines for my first few scenes in the first episode but i still had so much to learn but i think i pick it up pretty fast so it's alright

i got up went to my bathroom and remembered i needed to film for my youtube so i decided to put a q&a on my instagram story and sat and answered some of them

so the first question is ,,who am i most looking forward to meeting in euphoria? if probably say muade cause she just seems reall cool and awesome so thst will be i have anything planned after euphoria?at the moment i dont think i do unless i've forgotten but you never know. you just answer loads of questions then just send the footage to your editor to show the best bits

after all this you go brush your teeth and do your night routine and sit in your bed and just run over your lines for awhile until you get tired and go to sleep

i wake up and just think about life for awhile until i decide to get up and get ready for the day. your phone starts ringing so you answer it

y/m : so y/n theres a cast dinner for euphoria just so everyone thats new can meet people
you : alright sounds good
y/m : wear something nice and ill text you the rest
you : okay ill talk to you later
y/m : okay bye

you see what i mean when i say im always last to know.i decide to go to the mall as the dinner isnt until 8

i got to the mall and i went round shopping at all the places and bought myself some new clothes and shoes you really wanted

you was walking out the mall and some fans came up and asked for pictures and you said yes obviously and everyone was so nice and sweet and that's something i really liked about all my fans

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