part 12 🍪🍪

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you wake up at 7 get ready and leave you go to your car get in and try starting it and it just wont work so you call the garage wait for them to come collect it and get an uber to set ,, thankfully you left early so you wasnt late

you get to set and walk to your trailer and wait until they call you to hair and makeup

you get your hair and make up done go film a few scenes and head to javons trailer cause you were bored and werent filming for another hour or so

you knock

javon : COME IN
you : hey javon
javon : hey hows your morning
you : terrible my car broke down and i cant be bothered
javon : sounds dreadful
you : it really was i swear ,, how about your morning
javon : its been alright i saw you were hanging with jaden and his friends
you : yeah there cool i like maddie
javon : oh yh shes awesome
you : oooo does someone have a crush
javon : nah i hardly know her
you : if you say so
javon : well what about you and jaden huh
you : what about us were friends
javon : yhyh
you : we really are
angus walks in
angus : sup bros
you : hey angus
javon : sup bro
angus : so what you guys doing
javon : just chilling
angus : your family coming today
javon : yeah at like 12
angus : cool cant lie bro im scared of your pops
you all laugh
you : im gonna head tonmy trailer ill talk to you later
you walk to your trailer and sit and watch soms netflix until your phone pings

maddie : hey y/n
you : hey
maddie : you doing anything later
you : no don't think so
maddie : wanna come over
you : yeah sure sounds fun
maddie : alright ill talk to you later
you : byee

as soon as your about to out your phone down it starts ringing

y/m : hey y/n ive got good news
you : what is it
y/m : well first thing is we have found you an apartment to stay in instead of hotels and im jealous girl
you : omg thats amazing when do i move in
y/m : well we sent some people round to grt your stuff if thats okay so today is great also we got your car all fixed and is at the apartments parking lot
y/m : im. not done yet
you : theres more
y/m : well this is abit different to your normal stuff but we have been offered a big deal from youtube for you to have your own youtube show and you film it and just send the clips and its like 3 weeks of you vlogging your life and its good money like GOOD money
you : omg that is awesome when does this start
y/m : in 2 weeks so euphoria will be finished and you will just be vlogging you having fun living life
you : omg this is so cool
y/m : i have to go now but ill call you soon with more details
you : okay
y/m : also i sent you the adress if the apartment
you : okay

you text maddie and agree to go to yours instead of hers

skip to the end of the day you get an uber to your new apartment and you arrive and its crazy cute

skip to the end of the day you get an uber to your new apartment and you arrive and its crazy cute

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you love it suddenly theres a knock its maddie

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you love it suddenly theres a knock its maddie

maddie : omg this is massive
you : ikr like this is so cool
maddie : your kitchen is so nice
you : ahhhh ik
maddie : so how was set
you : it was alright what have you been doing today
maddie : just chilling everyone is busy today so i asked youn
you : oh so im your last resort
you laugh
maddie : nah your were my first choice

you guys hang out for the rest of the day

you post this on your story

you post this on your story

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@maddie living the life

skip to friday afternoon

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