cast dinner

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i drove back and decided to film my youtube video for next week which was a get ready with me so i made that while getting ready for the dinner

it was around 7:30 now so i decided to leave and drive to the restaurant where the dinner was i got out my car and there was loads of paparazzi i was so clueless how they even knew it was here they really scare me sometimes

"so y/n are you excited for euphoria" they ask "yeah its quite crazy to be honest" i replied "have you ever thought of doing anything else apart from acting" another one asks "erm im not really good at much else so i think ill stick to acting cause im somewhat good at that ,, im really sorry but i have to go now it was lovely talking to you" you reply

you walk inside and there are loads of people some you recognise and some you dont

"hey girl" zendaya says to you "omg hey i havent seen you in forever" i said "i know i was so excited when i heard you were joining set" she said " me to met to" this is hunter "hey" she says "hey it's nice to meet you" i reply " you were so cool in uncharted i love that movie so much" she says "omg thankyou i also love your acting like jules is one of my favourites dont go tell everyone though they might get jealous" i say. we all start laughing. "well were gonna go say hi to everyone else but i will talk tou you soon" zendaya says as she walks away

after she left i didn't really know what to do so i went and got a can of cherry coke and sat down on my own clueless of what to do until someone came and sat next to me

"so your y/n right" she said "yep thats me and your muade" i said "yes that is also me ,, you look kind of lonely" she said to me " well i only really knoe like one person here so its kind of awkward and im to socially awkward to talk to someone ive never met even if i know there nice" i say "well your talking to me" she said " yh but you came up to me like im to awkward to start a conversation" i say while laughing "you should talk to javon" she says " i dont really know who that is" i say "oh he plays ashtray" she says "oh now i know" i say "well here he comes" "JAVON JAVON" she shouts while signalling for him to come over

"hey" he says "so this is y/n and shes kind of lonely so your gonna talk to her" she insists "oh yh i know who she is" he replied "great then" she says while walking off

you : hey
javon : hey btw i think your quite cool like in spiderman you were awesome
you : thanks
javon : so your in the next season right
you : yh crazy
javon : it really is ,, its gonna be cool to have someone my age around though
you : yeah every time i work somewhere theres never anyone my age there all so much older than me
javon : yeah i can agree i hate it ,, so do you live here with your family or ...
you : im on my own as you can probably tell im english and all my family live in england what about you
javon : i live here with my mum and dad then my older sister , twin and younger brother
you : ive always wanted a twin
javon : you dont sharing everything is so annoying trust me
you : but your never lonely like they have always been there
javon : true and he isnt that annoying you can probably meet my family they are always with me on set
you : you probably wont meet mine unless your willing to fly to england
javon : i actually wanna go to england
you : its alright but not the best
javon : probably better than round here
you : id say not to he honest javon it gets boring thats why i don't mind LA but i dont go to school or anything so i dont have many friends
javon : well i can be your like bestest friend so there you go
you : wow i've never felt this ever i've actually got a real friend OMG
you guys start laughing
javon : so do you have like no interaction with like people your age
you : no not really i do online school and i habe like certain things i have to do on certain days so like one week im really busy and cant hangout and the next i have like nothing to do all week you know
javon : i actually understand and its like you cnat help it
you : what about you how are you with like friends and that
javon : well im not really busy at the moment so for the past like 3 month ive gone to public school but i finished last friday so when i have nothing to do i go to public but when im filming ect i do online so it gets confusing but like everyone im friends with understands cause they know what its like
you : i need to find people like that

for the rest of the night you mainly talk to javon but he introduces you to people like angus , jacob , alexa ect

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