part 16

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its 8 am and you wake up and head to the bathroom and get a shower and start getting ready for the day

your phone starts ringing

y/m : hey y/n some news on your youtube show we got it starting in a week and abit as its your last week on set this week and i think where gonna do some like fun things during it just to make the content abit better not that your not already amazing
you : yeah alright sounds good
y/m : alright so some days you will have a camera man or woman you never know
you laugh
y/m : and some days you will just be filming for yourself
you : yeah sounds good cant wait
y/m : alright don't forget at 12 you have that google interview thing ( the one where they do like your name and most asked questions) and i will see you later at the awards
you : alright great bye
y/m : bye

as soon as you put your phone down to finish getting ready it starts ringing again its maddie facetiming you

you : hey maddie
maddie : hey y/n what you doing
you : just getting ready what about you
maddie : im just chilling in bed and i thought you would be awake now
you : bright and early so how was it with javon
maddie : so good like i got to know him really well and i think where gonna hang out today
you : oooo thats cool
maddie : you can come if you want
you : i am busy today i have an interview at 12 then i have to get ready for the emmys and be there at like 6
maddie : oh alright
you : but i can tomorrow afternoon after you have school and im done with set
maddie : alright cool
you : anyways you and javon might want some alone time
she laughs
maddie : hahaha very funny y/n
you : i know i am
maddie : also i hit 15k followers
you : ooo im proud
maddie : couldnt of done it without you like literally
you : nah your pretty enough to get them by yourself i just gave a helping hand
maddie : stop your making me blush
you : did you see mateo and lauren are back together
maddie : i know like what the hell she was literally saying how much hes a prick yesterday
you : i know its crazy
maddie : they confuse me
you : okay wait black jeans or blue jeans
maddie : blue 100%
you : okay
maddie : love it so cute

you : hey maddie maddie : hey y/n what you doing you : just getting ready what about youmaddie : im just chilling in bed and i thought you would be awake now you : bright and early so how was it with javon maddie : so good like i got to know him r...

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your outfit

you : okay i better go or im gonna be late
maddie : alright bye

you get in your car and its a 20 minute drive to the place so you call your sister (millie) while driving

you : hey how is it back there
millie : its good we miss you though when are you coming to visit
you : im not sure im quite busy at the moment
millie : oh
you : i will try i promise
millie : i saw your insta posts you have finally made friends
you : i know crazy
millie : you even went to a party very uny/n like
you : its a new me i guess
millie : yeah
you : hows mum and dad doing
millie : its alright at times
you : what are they still arguing
millie : yeah im pretty sure the "we need to talk" and the "nothings gonna change" conversation is coming soon
you : oh thats crap
millie : i know but gotta get through it
you : well when its summer you should totally come visit me
millie : like i can afford that
you : id pay obviously
millie : well thats cool
you : ive also sent a present round for you for your birthday next week dont know when it will come
millie : ooo thankyou
you : you do know if i could be there i would im just doing alot right now but as soon as i can i will come visit i swear
millie : you better
you : hey is max there
millie : yeah he's in his room
you : can i talk to him
max comes in
max : hey y/n
you : hey little man how are you
max : im good i really miss you
you : i miss you too but ill be back soon
max : to stay?
you : i dont think so  dude
max : oh thats lame
you : i know i know
max : im gonna go play fortnite but bye i love you
you : inlove you
millie : its me again
you : i gave to go now cause im about to do an interview but ill call you soon yeah
millie : alright good luck for tonight i love you
you : thankyou i love you

you walk into the interview place and your introduced to this women called mary whos running it

mary : alright so y/n you just pull off these tabs and the questions revealed its pretty straightforward
you : alright i think i got it
mary : alright lets start

start interview

you : hi im y/n y/l/n and im gonna be answering your questions you wanna know know about me so the first question is

what is y/n y/l/n full name ?

my full name is y/n y/m/n y/l/n so pretty simple name to he honest

what is y/n y/l/n networth?

i have no idea to be honest but id say enough

who is y/n y/l/n bestfriend?

erm im not sure id probably say my sister or my friend maddie

who is y/n y/l/n dating ?

i am not dating anyone

is y/n y/l/n related to javon walton?

no definitely not i dont think we look anything alike or anything like that

where is y/n y/l/n from?

i am from england more specifically london

who is y/n y/l/n favourite music artist?

erm id probably play taylor swift

what is y/n y/l/n from?

im gonna guess that means like what ive acted in id like to say im most well known from marvel movies but i might be wrong you never know

how old is y/n y/l/n ?

i am 15 very old

so thankyou everyone for watching and have a great day or night or whatever time it is

mary : well thankyou y/n its been a pleasure
you : thankyou

you head home and start to get ready for the awards

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