part 13 😇

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your about to do an interview

int = interviewer

int : so where joined by y/n y/l/n today
you : hey its cool to be here
int : so how is it filming euphoria
you : erm its so cool ive made so many new friends and awesome people
int : well theres been some rumours about you dating your castmates javons brother after you were seen having breakfast together the other day
you : yh we're just friends
int : you say that but you never know
you : honestly where just friends
int : hmm if you say another question is whos your favourite music artist
you : id probably say taylor swift or tate mcrae but my favourite band is definitely the neighbourhood
int : well its the emmys on sunday are you excited
you : i honestly cant wait
int : you got nominated for best new commer but many people argued that you werent a new commer what are like your thoughts on that
you : erm i didn't really know people felt that way but id agree id say ive been around long enough but i guess since the last emmys im new i guess
int : good point

you carry on your interview then head home after

you are sat watching tv until you get a text

jaden : what you doing
you : nothing just finished an interview
jaden : wanna hang out
you : yeah sure you should come see my new place
jaden : alright send me the address and ill be there soon also daelos coming
you : okay byeee

jaden and daelo come over

jaden : sup
you : hey
jaden : nice place
you : thankyou
jaden : you still coming to the party tomorrow
you : yes yes i am
jaden : okay good
you : wanna watch a movie
jaden : yh sure
you guys are watching the movie and jaden falls asleep
you : so daelo what do you wanna do while stinky sleeps
daelo : erm lets go get snacks
you : i have the best snacks come with me
dealo : okay lets go
you guys go raid your snack cupboard and sit and watch some movies until jaden wakes up
daelo : your finally awake
jaden : my bad
you : lets go get some food
jaden : okay lets go
you and jaden sit at the front of your car and daelo sits at the back
you : so where do we wanna go
you : mcdonalds it js then lets go
you guys drive to mcdonalds and go inside and order your food
you guys are leaving and daelo gets on jadens sholders so you take a picture

you post it

you post it

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❤️ liked by 9,332,457@y/ny/l/n : swipe for s suprise trust me you dont want to miss it

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@y/ny/l/n : swipe for s suprise trust me you dont want to miss it

jaden : let me drive y/n
you : idk jaden
jaden : please
you : alright
you give him your car keys and you all get in
you : where are we even going
jaden : lets go to my house
you : alright
while he's driving you steal his phone like he did to you

jaden : let me drive y/n you : idk jadenjaden : please you : alright you give him your car keys and you all get in you : where are we even going jaden : lets go to my house you : alright while he's driving you steal his phone like he did to you

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@onwardjdub : was meant to post this on jadens story but oh well ,, hello everyone 🥧🥧

jaden : what are you doing
you : well i was meant to post a picture of me on your story and i accidentally posted it but its alright
jaden : you cant be doing thst
you : well i did
jaden : you smell
daelo : she doesnt
you : thanks daelo atleast your nice
jaden : daelo your meant to be on my side what the hell
you : i guess theres cooler people out there
daelo : exactly like me and y/n
you : exactly daelo knows
jaden : this isnt fair
daelo : payback for not inviting me to your party
jaden : your like 7 dude
daelo : doesnt mean i cant party
you laugh
jaden : well not this party bro
you guys get to the waltons and walk upstairs and you and jaden sit in his room

you : i have something to ask you
jaden : shoot
you : well i need like a +1 to the awards on sunday and i was wondering if you would wanna go with me you dont have to though
jaden : it would be a pleasure
you : okay great i was so scared you would say no
jaden : oh also lauren told me there coming to your house at 2 tomorrow to get ready for the party
you : what so they have invited themselves to my place
jaden : yh pretty much
you : oh okay that's confusing ,, what time does the party even start
jaden : 6
you :okay great
jaden : so you and maddie are getting closer
you : yh shes really cool
jaden : im glad your making friends
you : dont worry jaden your still my favourite
jaden : better be or else
you : or else what
jaden : ill beat you up
you : id like to see you try
jaden : just wait
you : oh im waiting

skip until like 10 you guys have just been watching movies

you : i should probably head back it's getting late
jaden : just stay over my parents dont care
you : i dont have anything though
jaden : you can use my stuff or my sisters come on
you : are you sure
jaden : yeah obviously
you : alright then
jaden : wanna go make some cookies or something
you : yess lets go

you guys go downstairs to the kitchen

jaden : let me find a recipe
you : alright
jaden : okay go one
you : okay so what do we need
he lists the ingredients
you guys make the cookies and put them in the oven
you : we should open a bakery
jaden : we really should
you guys get them out the oven and try them
you : these are actually pretty decent
jaden : they really are
jess walks in
jess : hey jaden oh hey y/n
jaden : hey mum it's alright if  y/n stays
jess : yeah 100%
jaden : do you want a cookie
jess : alright ,, that's actually really nice
jaden : where chefs
jess : alright im going to bed now dont stay up to late
jaden : alright we wont
jess : goodnight guys
you : night
jaden : goodnight
you guys are just talking for awhile until jayla and javon come in and then another girl you dont
jayla : hey guys
you : hey
jayla : oh y/n this is kylee
kylee : hey
you : hi
javon : so what you guys doing
jaden : we made cookies and no where chilling
jayla : well we wouldn't want to spoil the fun so me and kylee are going upstairs
they walk to jaylas room
javon : they were getting annoying
you : why what where they do
javon : well we went to the mall and then they literally looked in every store and then we went to go get food and they took forever to choose and now where here
you laugh
jaden : sounds like alot of fun
javon : oh yh loads
you : javon are you coming to party tomorrow
javon : yh i think
you : good so i wont be completely alone
jaden :i am here
you : jaden i have been told about you
jaden : what has been said
you : thst all the girls love you
jaden : not even
javon : yes even you should see him at school there basically piling on him
you laugh
you : wow
jaden : who said this about me
you : lauren or jess one of them i cant remember
jaden : well its not true
javon : it is like it really is
you : i believe javon
javon : as she should anyways im off to get a shower and then to bed so goodnight
jaden : bye bro
you : bye
you : so what now
jaden : wanna watch youtube for a while
you : yeah

you guys watch youtube for awhile until you decide to head to bed and you go sleep in the guest room

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