part 8 😾

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your in the car while jaden is driving to his house. "so why are you even so nice to us all like you met javon like a week ago" he asked me "erm idk i just thought daelo was really cool when i met him and he reminded me of my brother so i thought he was cool" i say "if you dont mind me asking why didn't your family move out here with you" he says "erm i guess everyone was settled in england and like they didnt want a big move so i had the offer to move and went alone" i tell him "so do you have your own like apartment" he asks "no i stay in hotels but luckily i dont have to pay for them my management does which is cool" i say "do you ever just sit there and think like woah im like super famous" he asks "no not really i do take pride in my work though like i think im awesome but like i get asked to do like crazy stuff and then i kinda think oh yh ive made it in life" i say "doesnt it get annoying though all the fans and all that" he says "oh yh 100% but ill never say no because id feel bad" i say "fair enough" he says "but i hate people coming up to me when it's someone else's moment" i say "you cant help it though" he tells me "you guys are like my first proper friends since coming to LA like it makes me feel happy" i say "thats cute" he says while smile at me "dont say that now i feel really cringey jaden" i say fiercely "cringey is alright sometimes but stop being cringey cause we are here" he says as we pull into their drive way. you guys get out the car and walk inside

"WE ARE HERE" jaden shouts. daelo comes running in "hey y/n" he says to me "hello again daelo" i say back high fiving him. "COME UPSTAIRS" javon shouts ,, we walk upstairs me behind jaden as i have no idea where im going ,, we go into jadens room

(gonna do my script type writing for the rest of the story only because i feel like its boring me saying he said she said all the time and it annoys me doong speech marks 😿)

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