the end 🥺🎉

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skip a couple of hours and you guys get to disney land

jaden : y/n wake up
you : huh what
jaden : where here
you : oh alright

you all get out the car and head to the hotels

DJ : y/n your with jayla if thats okay
you : yeah 100%
DJ : alright jaden and javon your together and obviously daelos with us
javon : are maxs and avas familys here yet
jessica : not yet they will be here in an hour or so
javon : aww okay
DJ : her you go guys heres your key cards

you amd jayla head to your room

you : so whos ava and max
jayla : there just family friends theres ava her brother and her partents and max his sister and brother and his parents
you : oh alright
jayla : im glad im getting to share with you the boys annoy me
you : well im glad im sharing with you

you guys unpack and get ready

this is what you wear

you : ive never been to disney beforejayla : well you will have loads of fun i promiseyou : okay

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you : ive never been to disney before
jayla : well you will have loads of fun i promise
you : okay

you guys head down to the lobby and see the waltons and 2 other familys and you look and see jaden laughing with some girl

you : whos that
you point at her
jayla : thats ava
you : oh thats ava
you guys go ove to them
jayla : hey guys
jaden : oh ava this is y/n
ava :nice to meet you y/n
you : hey ,, so how do you all know eachother
ava : well me jaden and max all go to school together and me and jaden like dated for awhile and thats how our families are close and max is like javons bestfriend
you : oh wow
jaden : but that was a long time ago
ava : yeah

you guys head around the park for awhile and jaden asks if he can talk to you

jaden : so y/n its kind of awkward doing this while my ex is here but u wanted to ask you something
you : go ahead
jaden : erm would you like to be my girlfriend or something
you : wow yh sure
he hugs you

you guys hang around for the rest of the day and you post these

you guys hang around for the rest of the day and you post these

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@y/ny/l/n : went to disneyland and somehow got a boyfriend dont know how that works

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