movie premier

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skip to sunday afternoon around 4 pm you start to get ready for the premiere

skip to sunday afternoon around 4 pm you start to get ready for the premiere

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@y/ny/l/n : movie premiere tonight kinda scared 🥶

you drive to the premiere and get let in by security ,, you walk into the main back room where everyone is suddenly someone hugs you you turn around and see daelo "hey dude" i say
"my mum and dad told me to go to you and said to tell you that they have all gone to sit down" he says "oh okay ,, are you ready to go out there also you look super cool in your suit" i say "i was born ready" he says "do you want me to pick you up or do you just wanna hold my hand" i ask him " erm ill just hold your hand" he says "okay there might be alot if flashing so do you want some sun glasses or are you alright" i ask him "ill take the sun glasses" he says i pass him then .suddenly someone comes over "OMG OMG ITS IRON MAN" daleo says jumping up and down. " so whos your accomplice today y/n" RDJ asks "this id daelo as you can tell hes a big fan" i say "is it alright if he gets a photo" i ask him "yeah totally" he replys "okay cool daelo stand next to him and say cheese" i say "there you go ,, i better run but we will have to talk soon y/n" he says as walking off

daelo stands there shocked "are you ready little man" i ask him "yes" he reply "okay well we better go to the red carpet then" i say i grab his hand and we start walking on the red carpet "OMG THIS IS SO COOL" daelo says "make sure your smiling" i say. you guys get your photo taken loads and get so many compliments "okay lets go inside now daelo" i say "okay this is the best day ever" he says "it really is" i say "also i heard my brother jaden call you cute earlier" he says sneakily "i havent met jaden but im gonna guess thats him" i say pointing towards a cute boy " thats smelly jaden" he says i laugh and we walk towards them .

i go sit down next to javon while daelo tells his parents how cool it was "sup dude" i say while sitting down "hey how was it" he replies "daelo loved it he thought it was so awesome" suddenly someone taps my shoulder "can you give me your phone with the picture if me and iron man on i wanna show them" daelo asks me "yeah sure" i pulll the photo uo and give him my phone. "he met iron man" javon says "yh only the best for daelo" i say "im officially jealous" he says "as you should" someone comes and sits next to me "hey we havent met yet im jayla" she says "hey im y/n" i say "yh ik you were so cool in like everything and also thanks for inviting us" she says "no problem" i reply "this is the happiest ive ever seen daelo like its crazy" she says while laughing "im gonna head to the bathroom" i say while standing up

i head towards the bathroom and accidentally bump into someone "im so sorry" i say "its okay" he says i look up and i see jaden "so your jaden" i ask "yeah and your y/n" he says "the one and only i reply" i say "its really cool you inviting us here" he says "i had soare tickets so why not" i say "well thankyou" he says "i really would stand and talk but i really need the toilet so ill talk you later.

i come back from the toilet and go to sit down at the tabke as there serving food soon i go down to the table and sit inbetween jaden and daelo as that was the only seat left ,, daelo hands me back my phone "thankyou" i say "so what are you gonna order?" i ask him "probably chicken nuggets" he replys "good choice keeping it simple" i say " what about you ?" he asks me "erm im not sure maybe a fancy burger idk" you say "i say go with the fancy burger" he says "fancy burger it is then i also better leave room for ice cream" i tell him "oh yh me to" he says all giddy. i turn to my left "so what about you?" i ask "huh" jaden replys "what are you ordering" i say "oh probably spaghetti or something" he says "good choice" i say. the waiter comes over and takes all our orders. "do you think they have slushies" jaden asks me "you im not sure really" i say "well im not a posh classy person and i want a slushy while watching the movie" he says to me "well in that case i will make sure we get one" i say "your gonna get one?" he asks me "yeah obviously like id hope im not a posh classy person" i say "yh your not your cool" he says "okay so after we eat we probably have around 30 minutes before we watch the movie so we will go find slushies then" i say "sounds good" he says. you guys get your food and eat it all

after you eat you and jaden go on a hunt for slushies "lets go to the front desk part" i say "okay whatever you say" he says we walk to the desk and theres a girl just sat there but everything seems to be turned off "hello" i say "sorry were clos...(she notices its you) omg your y/n ahhh what can i do for you" she says "do you know if we can get a slushy anywhere" i ask "well im not really supposed to be serving anything right now but for you i will" she says "omg your so cool" i say ,, she gets us 2 large slushys "so how much do you want" i ask "dont be silly but can i get i selfie" she says "omg sure" i say ,, we take a selfie "i wish i could stay longer but we really have to go but have a great night" i say while walking away

"that was cool" jaden says " being famous has its plus sided" i say "okay but we better hurry" jaden says ,, we walked down to the theatre part cause we told his family we would meet them there. we find them and we sit next to them luckily wr were at the end of the row so we just sat at the end "i cant believe you guys actually got slushies" jayla says "we got celebrity privileges over here" jaden says and i laugh "wow so your using me for my fame" i say "hell yeah i am" jaden says "wow very straight up about it" i say "lying never got anyone anywhere" he says which makes you laugh. finally the movie starts and you all watch it you have quite a big role in this movie which you find quite cool like the fact you are starring in a marvel movie. the movie ends and everyone is clapping so you feel quite proud of yourself  all the waltons congractulate you and say you did great

you all head home after a great day

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