baseball game

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A/N : sorry guys for not being very frequent just been busy sorry

you get to the high school and go sit down on the bleachers your sat next to javon

you : hey im gonna go to the bathroom be right back
javon : alright

while your walking down you bump into maddie

you : omg im sorry
maddie : its totally fine
she looks up
maddie : oh hi
you : hey
maddie : look im so sorry about everything i had no idea javon really liked me and i never wanted to hurt him or you
you : its alright im sorry for being a bitch too
maddie : well i was a bitch too
you : yeah we both were to be honest
maddie : so i will see you later also tell javon im sorry
you : yeah 100% and i will
maddie : alright bye
you : byee

you head to the bathroom and do your business

you head back to javon

javon : what did maddie want
you : she was apologising to me and also told me to say sorry to you
javon : oh alright
you : you good
javon : yeah fine dont worry
you : alright

daelo comes over

you : hey dude
daelo : hey y/n
you : what you doing
daelo : coming to sit next to you
you : oh alright then come sit down
daelo : i am gonna
you : mr sassy
daelo : im not sassy
you : okay okay i was joking smelly
daelo : are you jadens girlfriend
you : no
daelo : why not
you : daelo you always ask me this and i always tell you it's because he smells
daelo : but you should
you : maybe one day daelo maybe one day
daelo : i hope
you : i dont he annoys me
daelo : be nice

you guys all sit and watch the game and they win and now your just waiting for jaden about 10 minutes later he comes over

DJ : j man you did so good
jaden : thanks dad
jessica : proud of you bud
jaden : thanks
javon : you did sick bro
jaden : cheers bud
jayla : you did great
jaden : thanks
daelo : totall awesome
jaden : means alot

he then comes over to you

jaden : hey
you : hi you did great i think still not sure on how it works
jaden laughs
jaden : thanks y/n
you : no problemo
jaden : now its time to eat
you guys start walking towards the car
you : i spoke to maddie earlier she just apologised to me and that
jaden : oh alright i dont think the boys and them are gonna get back together
you : oh that sucks what about lauren and matwo
jaden laughs
jaden : okay yh they probably will but the others im not to sure
you : thats rough

you guys get in the car and drive to get dood


skip to the night your staying at your house tonight as you need to pack so you go into your wardrobe and pack your cutest outfits and head to bed

skip to monday morning you slept at the waltons and it's around 3am and your about to leave for your roadtrip

skip to monday morning you slept at the waltons and it's around 3am and your about to leave for your roadtrip

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this is what your wearing

you : im so tired jaden
jaden : same but where going to disney so its worth it
you : hopefully
jaden : come on lets bring our bags down
you : alright
you grab your bags and take them downstairs while your waiting for everyone
jaden : im actually excited
you : me too i wanna meet donald duck
jaden : why
you : idk hes just cool

dj and jessica come in

DJ : you guys ready
you and jaden : yep
daelo runs in with his suit case
daelo : here
javon comes downstairs
javon : im here
DJ : weres ur sister
jessica : JAYLA COME ON
jayla : IM COMING
she comes down
jayla : why do we have to leave so early anyway
jessica : so you can have more time today now come one everyone

you all go put your suitcases and bags in the car them get it your sat at the back next to jaden

jaden : so you excited
you : yeah ive never been before so
jaden : well your first time going will he with the best person ever
you : daelo?
jaden : no me idiot
you : meh i dont know
jaden : shutup
you : im tired
jaden : sleep then
you : its unconfy
jaden : use me then as your pillow
you : alright

you lay your head on jadens sholder and fall asleep

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