part 23

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you guys are on the flight home

your on the plane and you get a call from your dad

y/d = your dad

y/d : hey y/n do you have a fee minutes to talk
you : yeah sure
y/d : erm i think you know me and your mother have been having problems
you : yeah i heard
y/d : we have decided its best we split up we just need to take some time apart
you : oh alright so whos living where
y/d : well im moving out and im looking for a place at the moment and your siblings are gonna stay at the house with your mum
you : oh alright
y/d : i have to go now y/n but ill call you later love you
you : love you too

you hang up

javon : what was that about
you : i think my parents have split up
javon : oh wow are you okay
you : yeah i think so im just worried for my siblings
javon : dont worry they will be fine
you : i hope
javon : you know i've been thinking and i actually like maddie and wanna go for it but i just dont know what to do with the whole pact thing
you : maybe talk to jaden first
javon : will you like be there
you : why
javon : he will be alot nicer if your there or i hope he will
you : alright i can be like your lawyer
javon : alright also do you need a ride home my dad wont mind
you : nah maddies picking me up
javon : oh alright i dont want to talk to her though so stay away
you laugh
you : why not
javon : shes been ignoring me so it's embarrassing
you : alright
javon : come sleep round though later if you want
you : yeah sure

you guys finish your flight and you say bye to javon and go find maddie

you go up to her and hug her

maddie : hey it feels like forever
you : i know i tried my hardest to reply but i was really busy
maddie : its alright
you guys get in her car
maddie : i cant stay for long i have a date
you : a what ?
maddie : a date
you : what about javon
maddie : hes in the past if i cant be with him theres no point waiting around
you : well you could of atleast tried talking to jaden about this all you do understand he did like you
maddie : yeah but we cant be together so theres no point
you : this is ridiculous
maddie : what do you mean i thought you would be happy for me
you : how could you play with javons feelings like that he literally was telling me how hes gonna try talk to jaden about this whole thing and try make him more accepted of the situation
maddie : oh well i didnt know that
you : yh cause you where ignoring him
maddie : you cant be mad at me
you : im not mad im just like disapointed cause javons gonna be crushed
maddie : well we cant be together so theres no point in trying
you : yeah there is anyway where here ill talk to you later
maddie : can i not come in
you : not right now but thankyou for the ride
you grab your suitcase and walk to your apartment and just sit and rethink everything

skip and hour you decide to head to the waltons

you knock on the door

kylee answers

kylee : oh hi y/n
javon comes up
javon : come on in y/n
you : thanks
you guys sit down
javon : alright i think we should do it
you : javon i need to tell you something
javon : cant it wait until after i talk to jaden
jaden comes in and sits inbetween you two
jaden : about what
javon : well basically i heard about your pact thing and i dont think its fair and you should let me and maddie date
you say really quickly
they both just look at you
javon : when did she say this
you : when she picked me up from the airport
javon : oh erm i dont know what to say
jaden : im gonna kill maddie i swear to god
you : wait why are you mad shouldnt you be like really excited or something
jaden : well yeah but she cant do that to my brother even if i don't like it
you : anyways i told her how dumb she was being and i removed like all my photos with her cause what shes doings fucked
javon : i think im gonna head upstairs
you : oh alright
javon : ill be back soon
he leaves

you sit up
you : i feel bad
jaden : why
you : cause he really liked her
jaden : true but what did you expect its maddie
you : yeah i guess i didnt know her aswell as i thought i did
jaden : well you still got me and thats all that matters
you : nah your boring
jaden : well so are you so we work well together
you laugh
you : hmm i guess
jaden : your really pretty you know
you : omg stop flattering me
you hug him but dont let go
jaden : are you stuck or something
you : nah i just wanted to hug you
jaden : oh alright
he puts his arm around you
jaden : so i got 2 things to ask you
you turn your head so your looking at him
you : mmhmm
jaden : so baseball game tomorrow?
you : are you asking me to go
jaden : yeah
you : alright sure
jaden : okay and then my mum told me to ask you if you wanted to go to florida with us
you : erm sure
jaden : well disney thats what i was meant to say
you : seriously?
jaden : no im pranking you yes seriously
you : yess 100%
jaden : alright great theres like some family friends coming to
you : alright when are we going
jaden : monday then we leave on friday
you : why are you randomly going to disney
jaden : i dont know just a suprise
(it was jaden and javons birthday on the wednesday but he doesnt know you know)
you : i got a call today from my dad and my parents are divorcing
jaden : oh shit are you alright
you : yeah 100% just worried for my siblings
jaden : im sure there alright
you : i have a question and i want a serious answer
jaden : go for it
you : what are we ?

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