1st day filming

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skip to friday its your first say on set you wake up get ready and drive to set while your driving you decide to post an instagram pic

skip to friday its your first say on set you wake up get ready and drive to set while your driving you decide to post an instagram pic

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@y/ny/l/n : good things are to come <3 (also its way to early right now I NEED COFFEE 😑)

you arrive at set and get taken to your trailer you walk in and its like a cute mini house its abit bigger then the other trailers you have had so you felt special you go sit down and put your bag down on the sofa and sit there wondering what to do until theres a knock. you open it and its one if the producers telling you you need to head to set

you film your first few scenes and it goes really well you finish a scene and start walking towards the snack table cause yiu weren't filming for like 2 hours while your walking you bump into a little boy which kinda looks like javon

"are you okay" i ask "yeah i'm okay" he replys "who are you" he says with some sass " im y/n and im gonna guess your javons brother" i say " yeah i am how did you know" he says " you stink of poo just like him" i say. he starts laughing " can i show you something" he asks me " yeah sure" i say he starts walking so i just follow him "here we are" he says "where are we" i ask "this is where they keep the best snacks" he says proudly "ooo sounds yummy" i say. he grabs a 3 snickers bars "here you go" he says while handing me one "why thankyou ... wait what is your name" i say "daelo" he replys
"well thankyou daelo" i say "no problemo" he says we walk back to the main area "so what are you going to do now" i ask " im not quite sure" he says "well do you wanna go find javon" i ask "no he smells" he replys "oh okay" i say " lets go sit down" we go sit down on a bench

"so whos your favourite superhero?" he asks me " erm i like batman what about you" i say " i like spiderman i wanna be just like him" he says " oh do you wanna know a secret" i say "yes" he says "you cant tell anyone though promise" i say " promise" he says "i know spiderman" i say " do you really" he asks "you obviously havent watched the movies" i say "omg now i know you thst is so cool" he says with excitement you start smiling "do you think i can meet him" he asks me "well im sure maybe one day i can ask him if your a good boy" i say " i am i swear" he says "okay maybe then" i say "do you know any other super heros" he asks me "i knoe loads even iron man" i say "THAT IS AWESOME" he shouts. suddenly this really strong guy comes over "daelo stop annoying this girl come on" he says " no its fine hes not hes keeping me company if anything" i say "dad you wont believe it she knows spiderman and iron man and all of them you know shes that blonde girl in the movies" he says while jumping up and down "you must be y/n" he says "that is me" i reply "im DJ" he says while shaking my hand "its really nice to meet you and daelo is so cool" i say "well im pretty sure he thinks your awesome "i have this movie premiere for a new marvel movie coming out this weekend and daelo seems to really like marvel and i know you have met me like 2 minutes again but you and your whole family are more than welcome to come along if you would like cause i have losds of tickets and my family aren't coming so the might aswell not go to waste i guess i also need someone super cool to walk the red carpet with so if you do come daelo is more than welcome to do that with me and meet everyone" i ask "DAD PLEASE SAY YES PLEASE" daelo begs "you know what why not" he says "that is awesome then you might have to sit with me though so you might wanna change tour mind" i say sarcastically.DJ starts laughing "sounds abit strange but can i take your number so i can send you the details" i ask "yeah obviously" dj says while putting his number in my phone "okay so theres 6 right" i ask "YES THERES 6" daelo shouts "okay i have to go noe cause im on set in 10 but i will see you this weekend hopefully" i say while walking away

see its strange because my first day of sets a friday but we dont film on weekends so its abit pointless but its a nice pay check so im not complaining

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