part 21

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skip to monday you havent spoken to jaden since the whole javon and maddie incident.your youtube show has been pushed back for some reason which your not to sure of.

today you know jaden has baseball practice after school so your gonna go talk to him as tomorrow you leave for newyork with javon for 2 days and wont beable to talk to him until friday as you haveoads to do.

you woke up its 9;30am and you head to your bathroom to get ready (shower , brush your teeth ect) you head to your kitchen and get some cereal

you woke up its 9;30am and you head to your bathroom to get ready (shower , brush your teeth ect) you head to your kitchen and get some cereal

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you wear this

for the rest of the day you read emails and you had a few meatings

skip to 4pm you leave your house and drive down to jadens school and head to the bleachers and they havent done with practice yet so you sit and wait

skip 20 minutes you see jaden walking out but hes with this girl laughing and flirting you make eye contact with him then stand up and walk away

jaden : Y/N Y/N
you : what jaden what do you want
jaden : what are you doing here
you : i came to apologise for not telling you even though i had no idea there was some sort of pact you guys made but you seem to be pretty occupied with whoever that was
jaden : woah erm i dont know what to say
you : exactly because when i was talking to luke i had to he flirting with him when i wasnt but you your actually flirting with them
jaden : i don't understand why your even mad
you : you know what jaden im done your so fucking annoying go back to your girlfriend

you walk to your car and drive back to your apartment and just sit on your couch and watch movies to take your mind off everything

your watching twighlight and theres a knock at your door so you go answer it

its the girl that was talking to jaden at baseball practice earlier

you : hi your the girl i saw earlier arent you
rose : yeah thats me im rose and your obviously y/n
you : do you want to come in
rose : erm yeah sure
you : not to be rude but what are you doing here and how did you get my adress
rose : oh i wanted to tell you that me and jaden are just friends nothing more well more jaden wanted to tell you because he thought you wouldn't believe him so he sent me
you : oh alright
rose : well i better go now because this is awkward so bye
you : erm alright bye

she leaves

you sit down and facetime jaden
he answers basically straight away

jaden : so are you still mad at me
you : i was never really mad at you just annoyed
jaden : good look im sorry about the whole maddie thing its just we bad a deal and she broke it and trust me im mad at javon to
you : no its okay i understand
jaden : it meant alot that you came to see me after baseball
you : seems like i ruined the fun coming
jaden : im sorry about that to
you : its alright i guess i shouldn't jump to conclusions
jaden : well now where equal then
you : kinda
you guys talk for awhile until you decide to go to sleep cause you have to wake up early

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