what are we ?

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jaden : what do you mean
you sit back up
you : well are we friends more than friends
jaden : idk but i like how it is
you : me too
jaden : well lets just keep doing what where doing and see what happens
you : sounds good
jessica comes in

jessica : hey jaden oh hey y/n
jaden : hey mom what are you doing
jessica : im live im coming over so everyone can say hi
jaden : sup everyone
you : hi
daelo starts shouting jessica
jessica : hold my phone while i go see what daelo wants ill be back in a second
she passes jaden the phone

lc = live chat

lc : ahh its y/n
you : hi everyone
lc : are they dating
jaden : nah where friends
lc : isnt she to famouse to be hanging out with him
you : yeah id say i am to famous
lc : there so cute together
jaden : yes this a cute friendship here y/n you take the phone i need to use the restroom
you : oh alright
he leaves
you : hello its just me now
lc : hi y/n
you : woah theres like 5000 people on here
lc : wheres jayla
you : im not sure i think shes out with kylee
lc : why are you with the waltons
you : because we're all besties
lc : go get javon
you : no you get javon
lc : do you like jaden
you : ew no he stinks
lc : what are you acting in next
you : im not sure yet to be honest
jessica walks back
you : here you go
you pass her the phone
jessica : thankyou y/n
you : no problem
jaden comes back in

jaden : matt and sam are coming over i think
you : oh alright do you want me to go or anything
jaden : nah your staying over
you : alright but if your friends dont like me being here then dont blame me
jaden : i can always invite alissa to come
you : nah all the girls are like mad at me for being mad at maddie
jaden : oh im sorry
you : its alright ive got ellie though
jaden : invite her
you : nah shes on a date with luke right now
jaden : well the boys like you anyway
you : yeah sure
jaden : also they kinda need you to pick them up
you : when
jaden : erm now
you : come on then but we have to get ice cream
jaden : deal
you guys get in your car and drive to pick them up
you go to get sam first
sam : sup jaden oh hey y/n
you : hey sam
sam : how you doing
you : im good what about you
sam : im good
you : i do apologise for intruding on your guys threesome
sam : nah its alright your cool
jaden : alright now time to get matt
you : alright
you guys go get matt
matt : omg hey y/n
you : hey
matt : sup jaden
jaden : hey dude
sam : so where we going first
jaden : we're getting ice cream i think
you : yes lets go
matt : wait can i drive
you look at jaden
jaden : hey its your car its up to you
you : do you even have your licence
matt : yeah im not a loser like sam
sam : hey it isnt my fault i failed
you : alright you can drive but be careful
matt : yess ive wanted to drive your car since the day i met you
you : alright lets switch seats

your now sat in the back with sam

sam : so what you been up to
you : i was in new york for a couple days what about you
sam : nothing really everythings been weird since the whole maddie thing
you : yeah i know but maddies moved on now so i dont really know
sam : yeah me and allisa are like kinda broken up cause of it but also not
you : oh shit what happened
sam : well i was obviously on jadens side cause hes my homie and allisa wasnt happy and we got in an argument then she deleted like all our pictures and highlights and i was just done with her so we broke up but like it also wasnt working and then matt and alexis broke up to
you : cause of the maddie thing
sam : yep its causing hell fire
you : well the girls are mad at me cause i didnt want to talk to maddie after she told me she had a date and like messed with javon and hes like one of my closest friends so it was annoying
sam : tell me about it have you spoken to javon
you : it happened all today like this afternoon
sam : shit really
you : yeah
sam : well me and allisa broke up like 2 days ago and matt and alexis yesterday
you : wow

matt : we are here
you get out the car and your walking in next to jaden

jaden : you and sam seem to get along
you : yeah but you never told me they all broke up
jaden : i was gonna but forgot
you : im always last to know do annoying

you walk into the ice cream store

your all ordering

you : can i get snickers icecream please
jaden : ill get chocolate
sam : ill get bueno
matt : can i get bubblegum

you all get your icecream and go to sit down

some little girl comes up to you

little girl : hi your y/n right
you : oh hi whats your name
ava : its ava im your biggest fan
she starts crying
you : omg dont cry
ava : sorry your just so cool
you : your cooler
ava : ive seen all your movies
you : that's awesome do you wanna get a photo
ava : yes please my mums gonna take it
you : alright smile
you take the photo
ava : your boyfriends really cute
you : whos my boyfriend
ava : that one (points at jaden) i saw him on your instagram
you : oh hes not my boyfriend he kinda smells
she laughs
you : i have to go now my friends are waiting but i will see you again someday
ava : byee

you go sit where they were sitting

matt : wow y/n you made a child cry
sam : wow thats heartbreaking
jaden : yeah y/n why you upsetting children
you : hahaha so funny now can we just eat our icecreams
matt : crazy how someone would cry over you
you : your halarious matt im dying of laughter
matt : thankyou i try my best
sam : have you spoken to alexis after the whole thing matt
matt : nah not really shes texted me but i aint gonna reply
you : are you gonna
matt : nah i will see her at school next week so i can maybe talk to her then

you all eat your ice cream and head to jadens and just hang out until 6 and they go home

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