new york

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you wake up and its 3am so you get ready to leave for the airport

you wake up and its 3am so you get ready to leave for the airport

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you wear this

you grab your luggage and call an uber to the airport where your meeting javon (its just you two flying together and then your meating more people out there)

javon : hey y/n
you : hey javon
javon : where you been havent seen you in a few days
you : did no one tell you
javon : about what
you : ill tell you when where all checked in
javon : oh alright

you guys check in and have around 2 hours until your flight so you go sit down

javon : can you tell me now
you : alright yeah so basically jaden and his friends all had like a pact not to date like siblings in their friend group cause it would be weird if they broke up
javon : yh keep going
you : and i knew maddie somewhat liked you and you guys where you know chilling and jaden was mad at me cause i knew and didn't tell him
javon : well how was you meant to know about the pact
you : thats what i thought
javon : well that explains why maddies been ignoring me
you : oh i didnt know she never told me
javon : i dont really care
you : its just all messed up jaden was really annoying me
javon : he is annoying so what about you guys
you : what do you mean you guys
javon : ive seen you and jaden
you : oh to he honest i dont really know i sometimes like him but sometimes im like ew no
javon laughs
you : dont laugh
javon : i think he likes you
you : really
javon : yeah its obvious
you : i dont know

you guys talk for awhile then get on your flight to new york

you guys talk for awhile then get on your flight to new york

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you post this on your story



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@y/ny/l/n : feel like this should go on my story but new york here i come


javon posts this on his story

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javon posts this on his story

@y/ny/l/n we chilling (pretend thats on the photo)

you guys land and head to the hotel you two are sharing a room and you dont really mind cause its only for 2 days

javon : cant believe i have to share with you
you : im just greatful we dont have to share a bed cause you stink
javon : says you
you : what times the interview
javon : 2 and its 12 right now and then at 5 we have are on jimmy fallon
you : that's actually kind of cool
javon : i know right
you : alright i need to get ready cause i cant wear this

javon : cant believe i have to share with you you : im just greatful we dont have to share a bed cause you stinkjavon : says you you : what times the interview javon : 2 and its 12 right now and then at 5 we have are on jimmy fallon you : that's a...

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you wear this

javon : alright you ready to go or where gonna be late
you : yeah im ready lets go

you guys go to the interview and do it

skip to when your on jimmy fallon

jimmy : so we are joined by y/n y/l/n and javon walton
you : hey
javon : hi
jimmy : so you guys know eachother off euphoria if im right
you : yeah
jimmy : are you guys like really good friends after filming
javon : yeah id like to say y/n is one of my closest friends
jimmy : you guys arent a couple are you
you : no no definitely not
jimmy : oh just checking so guys is there any kind of spoilers you can give for season 2
you : i dont think sk
jimmy : come on like javon are you well ashtray nates brother
javon : ive seen that and i dont think i am
jimmy : okay well y/n id like to say congratulations on the awards
you : thankyou
jimmy : you have achieved so much at such a young age how does that like feel
you : great honestly
jimmy : your family must be proud
you : yeah they are
jimmy: are they here tonight
you : no there back in england but id hope they will watch this when it comes out
jimmy laughs
jimmy : yeah lets hope well javon your gonna be in umbrella academy which is cool
javon : yeah it is i was so excited when i got the call
jimmy : can yoh give any hints on that
javon : i think id get in abit of trouble if i did to be honest
you guys carry on with the show until it ends

javon : do you wanna go get something to eat
you : yeah sure lets go

yoh guys go eat and head to the hotel to sleep

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