part 7 😊😊

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it was monday and your marvel movie came out today so you posted this

❤️liked by 6,443,552@y/ny/l/n : thankyou for all the love on the movie (still cant believe this is real life honestly its crazy)

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❤️liked by 6,443,552
@y/ny/l/n : thankyou for all the love on the movie (still cant believe this is real life honestly its crazy)

after i post this i get out of bed get ready and drive to set

i get to set and head strait to hair and make up to get ready for the day javon came in and sat next to me "hey y/n" he said "sup walton" i say "so i know its no marvel premiere but jaden has a baseball game later and my mum said to ask if you would like to go" he said "oh so you didnt want me to go your mum had to force you" i say "nah but it was her idea" javon says "well sure ill go"i say "okay also will you drive me there cause im alone on set today" he asks "yh sure what time does it start" i ask "erm like 4:15 so where both done by then so we will leave at like 3:30 also your coming to dinner with us if they win cause its the finals and like a victort dinner all the players and there family will be there" he tells me "okay yh so come to my trailer at 3:30 and we will go from there" i say "okay" javon says. you guys talk for abit until you have to leave to go on set

skip to 3:40 javon comes and knocks on your trailer i answer "you are 10 minutes late" i say "less talking lets go or where gonna be late" he says "okay okay" i say,, we walk to my car and get in and start driving to the baseball game "where gonna be late" javon says "and that's my fault how..." i say. he stays silent "exactly" i say

we arrive at the baseball game and head onto the bleachers. "im so nervous" jessica said "there gonna win dont worry darling" dj told her. to be fair i didnt really know much about baseball just that you hit a ball with a bat but it looked pretty simple . your sat in silence just watching the game until some girls come up to you "hey are you y/n y/l/n" they ask me "yh hi its nice to meet you" i say "can we get a photo"they ask me "yeah sure" you take a photo and they walk off. "so famous" javon says mocking me "hey i cant help it" i say "atleast when i get asked for photos there my age and not like 10 years younger" he says "yh but i got all the age ranges shows just how popular i am" i say "your so annoying" he tells me. skip to about the last monents of the game.

jadens team won and there all running round shouting and screaming and so are his family and im just sat there clapping and smiling as i wasnt as excited as them. me and jaden made eye contact so i just smiled at him until one of his teammates started jumping around him about 10 minutes later when they calmed down jaden came up all his family went around him and hugged him when they all were done he came up to me "how have you found time in your busy life to come watch a high school baseball game" he asks me "haha very funny jaden but congratulations not that i understands the game but i thought you did great" i tell him "why thankyou ,, are you coming to the celebration dinner?" he asked me "wouldn't miss it for the world" i said to him "okay great im gonna go get changed cause i smell but ill see you soon" he says while walking off suddenly he turns around again "also did you by any chance bring your car" he asks "yeah" i say "is it alright is some of the boys get in your car cause like they need a ride "aslong as you or someone i know comes with me cause i dont wanna be with a bunch of strangers" i say "okay just wait round the front and we will meet you oht there" he says "alright" i say

"so you get to me the boys how do you feel" javon asks me sarcastically "not good there gonna have there sweaty clothes and my cars gonna stink and i dont even know them" i say "yh i can see where a problem can form in that but we are leaving so i will see you there" he says "wish me luck" i say "you will need more than luck to survive that" he says while running to catch up with his family. i walk towards the front where i parked and waited for jaden and the "boys" until they came

they came walking towards me "woah your y/n y/l/n" one said "omg yh what are you doing here" another said " erm i came to watch jaden" i told the awkwardly "okay lets go" jaden said. i directed them towards my car "woah nice car" one said "thankyou" i said with a smile. i turned to jaden " i have no idea where im going so im gonna trust you to drive but just dont break it" i tell him "okay sick ive never drove an expensive car" he says witg a grin on his face. i get in the passenger seat and all his friends get in the back while jaden drives. we finally get to the restaurant and go inside where everyone is "now my car smells of boys" i say to jaden ,, he just looks at me and laughs while we go to sit down with his family "its not funny jaden" i say to him "whats not funny" javon says "my car smells of stinky boys now cause or his friends" i say "tough luck" javon says we sit down and order food.

"why dont you stay at our house tonight y/n" DJ says "erm are you sure" i ask "yeah obviously its gonna be late anyway when we're done here so you might aswell and you dont have set tomorrow so its not like your missing anything" he says "alright sure then" i say "okay great" he says

your sat next to jaden right now as your on like the edge of the row(dk if that makes sense) "you know when javon told me about you i thought you would be one of them snobby actors but your different your like idk" jaden says "im like a normal person would you say" i say to him "yh exactly and its so cool like you let me drive your car you literally went to grt slushies with me at a marvel premiere still mad you didn't take me to meet iron man and all them" he says "hey daelo deserved it" i say "yh your definitely his favourite person ever" he says "what about you friends like what do they think of me?" i ask him "well what i know of they think your this cool celebrity and some even said you were hot" he says " oh thats good ,, do you wanna know something funny?"
i ask "sure" he says "basically at the premiere daelo told me you called me pretty" i say "did he really" he says "yep and i wont lie i agree with you" i say "now theres the cocky celebrity come out" he says sarcastically. your food arrives and you guys eat.

when you finish eating they decide to get a big team photo they even insisted you get in one of the photos so you just stood next to jaden then walked off to the side as it was there victory and you obviously werent part of the team after they take photos jaden calls you over "HEY
Y/N COME HERE" he says i walk over and stand next to him "hello" i say "this is sam,jerome and alex" jaden tells me "nice to meet you" i say "i thought u were wicked in spiderman" jerom says "thankyou but lets just focus on you guys like you guys were awesome today" i say "theres a party on saturday to celebrate the win at jadens house you should totally come" sam says "yh i will see if im not busy but i'm gonna go over there to talk to jayla but i will talk to you later" i say as i walk away "hey jayla" i say as i walk over "oh hey y/n" she says to me "im gonna be honest this is kinda boring" i say "tell me about it every time they win which is often we always do this" she tells me "sounds tiring" i say "it really is" she says skip about an hour everyone is slowly leaving so we decide to go. i go over to jaden "your still driving back with me right" i say "yh obviously" he says . you guys drive back to the waltons house.

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